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Labour Organization

Catalogue of ILO publications on occupational safety and health


Occupational Safety and Health Areas

Specific Industrial Sectors

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

List of Addresses of ILO Offices


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This edition January 1998

ISBN 92-2-109552-5

ILO publications can be obtained through major booksellers or ILO local offices in many countries, or direct from ILO Publications, International Labour Office, CH-1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland. A catalogue or list of new publications will be sent free of charge from the above address.

Printed in Switzerland


The objectives of the Occupational Safety and Health Branch include: the formulation of international labour standards and the development of guidelines as a basis for national policy-making; the strengthening of national occupational safety and health structures, services and tripartite advisory mechanisms; and the provision of technical advisory services and training. The publication and dissemination of technical documents therefore receive high priority and the Occupational Safety and Health Branch has made considerable efforts to guarantee their quality.

This catalogue also includes publications and documents on safety and health prepared by other ILO departments and branches, field offices and technical cooperation projects. These comprise subject- or sector-specific areas which address one or more of the ILO's tripartite constituents. The Occupational Safety and Health Branch acknowledges the contribution made by these other ILO organisms in the field of occupational safety and health.

In addition to the information on ILO publications on occupational safety and health, the International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre (CIS) of the Occupational Safety and Health Branch may provide further information on documents published worldwide on all subjects that can contribute to the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases. For this purpose CIS maintains a bibliographic database available on a subscription basis and publishes many practical documents cited in this catalogue with a CIS reference.

The publications in this catalogue are available through the Publications Department at ILO Headquarters in Geneva and through the ILO Offices in the list at the back of this catalogue. To request publications, please write: ILO Publications, 4, Route des Morillons, CH-1211 Geneva, 22 Switzerland, telephone: (+41.22) 799.73.01, fax: (+41-22) 799.85.78, or e-mail: You can also visit the ILO on the INTERNET at: Click on the Publications icon to find information about recent and forthcoming books, exhibit schedules, distributors, prices and how to order ILO publications.

CIS publications can only be ordered direct from CIS. To request publications, please write:

Note: the Conventions and Recommendations listed under each subject heading in this catalogue are the main international standards which apply to that particular subject but may not constitute an exhaustive list of standards on the subject.

Geneva, December 1997

Jukka Takala
Occupational Safety and Health Branch,
Working Conditions and Environment


The protection of the worker against sickness, disease and injury arising out of employment is one of the tasks assigned to the ILO in the words of the Preamble of its Constitution.

The development of international standards in the form of Conventions and accompanying Recommendations is one of the main functions of the ILO. These standards, which are adopted by the International Labour Conference, cover labour and social issues. As a package, they constitute the International Labour Code which defines minimum standards in the labour and social fields. Close to 50 per cent of these instruments relate directly or indirectly to occupational safety and health.

Conventions are comparable to multilateral international treaties; they are open to ratification by member States and, once ratified, become binding obligations. A government that has ratified a Convention is expected to apply its provisions through legislation or other appropriate means as indicated in the text of the Convention. The government is also required to report regularly on the application of ratified Conventions. The extent of compliance is subject to examination by ILO machinery. Complaints about alleged non-compliance may be made by the governments of other ratifying States or by employers' or workers' organizations, and procedures exist for investigating and acting upon such complaints. Conventions that have not been ratified have the same value as Recommendations.

Recommendations are intended to offer guidelines for action by member States. Often, a particular Recommendation will elaborate upon the provisions of a Convention on the same subject. Member States have certain important procedural obligations in respect of Recommendations - namely, to submit the texts to their legislative bodies, to report on the action resulting therein, and to report occasionally at the request of the Governing Body on the measures taken or envisaged to give effect to the provisions, but no specific substantive obligations are entailed.

ILO standards have exerted considerable influence on the laws and regulations of member States. Many texts have been modelled on the relevant provisions of ILO instruments. Drafts of new legislations or amendments are often prepared with ILO standards in mind so as to ensure compliance with ratified Conventions or to permit the ratification of other Conventions. Trade unions use ILO standards to support arguments in bargaining and in promoting legislation. Governments frequently consult the ILO, both formally and informally, about the compatibility of proposed legislative texts with international labour standards.

Occupational safety and health standards broadly fall into four groups or categories. The first includes standards which aim at guiding policies for action, such as the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, the Occupational Health Services Convention and their accompanying Recommendations. The second group provides for protection in given branches of economic activity including mining, the building industry, commerce and offices and dock work. The third highlights measures of protection, e.g. guarding of machinery, medical examination of young workers, maximum weight of loads to be transported by a single worker. The fourth group provides for protection against specific risks: e.g. ionizing radiation, benzene, asbestos, prevention of occupational cancer, prevention of air pollution, noise and vibration in the working environment and safety in the use of chemicals including the prevention of major industrial accidents.

The ILO policy on occupational health and safety is essentially contained in two international Conventions and their accompanying Recommendations. The ILO Occupational Safety and Health Convention (No. 155) and Recommendation (No. 164), 1981, provide for the adoption of a national occupational safety and health policy and describe the actions needed at the national and at the enterprise levels to promote occupational safety and health and to improve the working environment. The ILO Occupational Health Services Convention (No. 161) and Recommendation (No. 171), 1985, provide for the establishment of occupational health services which will contribute to the implementation of the occupational safety and health policy and will perform their functions at the enterprise level.

Further guidance is provided in codes of practice to be used as reference work by anyone in charge of formulating detailed regulations or responsible for occupational safety and health. They are drawn up with the objective of providing guidance to those who may be engaged in the framing of occupational safety and health programmes. They are then adopted by meetings of experts and their publication is approved by the ILO Governing Body. The codes of practice offer guidelines to employers' and workers' organizations. Their provisions should be read in the context of conditions in the country proposing to use this information and the scale of operation involved. More than twenty codes of practice have been drawn up so far, covering either different sectors of activity (mines, agriculture, forestry, construction and public works, shipbuilding and repairing, iron and steel, prevention of major industrial accidents), or particular risks (ionizing radiations, noise and vibration, exposure to airborne harmful substances, safety in the use of chemicals at work). Codes of practice are not intended to replace national laws, regulations or accepted standards.

General Occupational Safety and Health

Conventions and Recommendations

C. 155 and R. 164: Occupational Safety and Health and the Working Environment, 1981

Guides and manuals

Encyclopaedia of occupational health and safety. Third edition. An indispensable reference work for all those concerned with the protection of workers' safety and health, and a source of practical information, presented objectively and systematically, even for those with no specialized medical or technical knowledge. In two volumes; hard cover; numerous diagrams, illustrations and colour plates. Fourth impression, 1991. Volume 1: 1,176 pp. Volume 2: 1,361 pp. The set of two volumes: ISBN 92-2-103289-2.
A new and completely revised Fourth Edition in four bound volumes or on CD-ROM is in preparation for release, in English, in January 1998. French version foreseen for 2000. Full information on pre-publication price and contents available on request from CIS.

Safety and health at work. ILO-CIS bulletin: a bimonthly abstracting periodical containing accurate and concise information on publications issued worldwide on all aspects of safety and health at work. Each issue of the Bulletin provides at least 350 abstracts with indexes and a section devoted to news and activities. The Bulletin and the database are produced in English and French. Available only from CIS. Subscription only: SFR350 per year for high income countries. Available on-line and on CD-ROM.

Safety and health at work. ILO-CIS bulletin: Five-yearly index. 1984-1988, and 1989-1993. Contains over 10,000 references including: safety and health legislation and regulations from all countries; information on training courses, material and methods; information on the OSH literature published worldwide. Geneva, 1989, 428 pp. ISBN 92-2-106505-7. SFR55.; US$44.; £26.40. Available only from CIS.

Occupational safety and health glossary: Words and expressions used in safety and health at work. (English, French, German, Spanish, Russian) Geneva, 1993. 491 pp. ISBN 92-9016-002-0. SFR95. Available only from CIS.

International directory of occupational safety and health institutions. (OSH Series, No. 66.) Geneva, 1990. 272 pp. ISBN 92-2-106452-2. SFR35. Updated version available only on CD-ROM directly from CIS.

The CIS thesaurus. An indispensable tool for database users, it contains more than 15,000 descriptors presented in two parts: an analytical part with related terms and an alphabetical part with synonyms. 1977 + 12th Cumulative Supplement 1993. 100 pp. ISBN 92-9016-101-9. Available from CIS. Printed version for non-subscribers: SFR75. Diskette version: SFR100. Translation: French.

Directory of the CIS national centres and CIS collaboration centres. Geneva, July, 1997. 46 pp. Available through CIS. Free publication.

International standard classification of occupations: ISCO-88. Classification scheme adopted by the 14th International Conference of Labour Statisticians, 1987. Intended as a model for countries developing or revising their national occupational classifications. Brief descriptions of 1000+ jobs classified into 10 major groups and subgroups. Each occupation is given a distinctive number. The relation of the 1988 numbering system to that of the previous (1968) edition is shown in 2 cross-indexes. Geneva, 1990. 464 pp. ISBN 92-2-106438-7. SFR65.; US$52.; £31.20. Translation: French, Spanish.

Year book of labour statistics. 1996. A comprehensive survey of annual data from all parts of the world relating to total and economically active populations, providing statistics on occupational injuries, employment, unemployment, hours of work, wages, labour costs, consumer prices, and strikes and lockouts (most tables by major division of economic activity). Plus Statistical Sources and Methods (a technical guide to the series published in the Year Book and Bulletin of Labour Statistics). Year Book of Labour Statistics: 1,228 pp., ISBN 92-2-007342-0. SFR195.; US$156.; £93.60. Trilingual English, French, Spanish.

Profile on occupational safety and health in Bangladesh. ILO ROAP, Bangkok, Thailand. 1991. ISBN 92-2-108143-5. US$7.

Profile on occupational safety and health in Fiji. ILO ROAP, Bangkok, Thailand. 1991. ISBN 92-2-108144-3. US$8.

Profile on occupational safety and health in India. ILO ROAP, Bangkok, Thailand. 1992. ISBN 92-2-108611-9. US$6.

Profile on occupational safety and health in Indonesia. ILO ROAP, Bangkok, Thailand. 1992. ISBN 92-2-108612-7. US$6.

Profile on occupational safety and health in Malaysia. ILO ROAP, Bangkok, Thailand. 1991. ISBN 92-2-108145-1. US$8.

Profile on occupational safety and health in Pakistan. ILO ROAP, Bangkok, Thailand. 1992. ISBN 92-2-108613-5. US$5.

Profile on occupational safety and health in Papua New Guinea. ILO ROAP, Bangkok, Thailand. 1991. ISBN 92-2-108146-X. US$6.

Profile on occupational safety and health in the People's Republic of China. ILO ROAP, Bangkok, Thailand. 1992. ISBN 92-2-108147-8. US$7.

Profile on occupational safety and health in the Philippines. ILO ROAP, Bangkok, Thailand. 1991. ISBN 92-2-108148-6. US$9.

Profile on occupational safety and health in the Republic of Korea. ILO ROAP, Bangkok, Thailand. 1991. ISBN 92-2-108151-6. US$7.

Profile on occupational safety and health in Singapore. ILO ROAP, Bangkok, Thailand. 1991. ISBN 92-2-108149-4. US$10.

Profile on occupational safety and health in Solomon Islands. ILO ROAP, Bangkok, Thailand. 1991. ISBN 92-2-108152-4. US$7.

Profile on occupational safety and health in Sri Lanka. ILO ROAP, Bangkok, Thailand. 1991. ISBN 92-2-108150-8. US$10.

Profile on occupational safety and health in Thailand. ILO ROAP, Bangkok, Thailand. 1992. ISBN 92-2-108614-3. US$6.

Safety and health of migrant workers: International symposium. 1979. Second impression, 1983. 337 pp. ISBN 92-2-001906-X. SFR30. (Multilingual)

Safety and health practices of multinational enterprises. The occupational safety and health standards prevailing in eight selected multinational enterprises from a cross-section of industry in seven countries have been investigated through in-depth interviews with management and workers and through on-site inspections at 12 of their subsidiaries. Second impression, 1986. 90 pp. ISBN 92-2-103742-8. SFR17.50.; US$14.; £8.40.

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Report of the Director-General to the International Labour Conference, 77th Session, Geneva, 1990. This report contains a special chapter devoted to working conditions and environment (chemicals at work, major hazard control, construction, opencast mining, etc.) 79 pp. ISBN 92-2-107052-2. SFR15. Translation: French.

Report of the Director-General at the Asian regional conference, 11th, Bangkok, 1991. Comprises four parts: Part I, "Growth and structural adjustment", Part II, "Improving occupational safety and health", Part III, "Activities of the ILO", and Part IV, "International labour standards". Geneva, 1991. 161 pp. ISBN 92-2-108084-6. Translation: French, Arabic, Chinese and Russian.

Laws and collective bargaining in health and safety, report of the November 1992 ILO ARTUU Meeting, Dar-es-Salaam, (Report 5/93). This report is the second of a series of three African regional trade union meetings and focuses on international standards on OSH, national OSH laws and enforcement, and collective bargaining in health and safety. In addition, the first draft of the African Charter on Occupational Health and Safety is presented in this report. 51 pp. Available only from CIS. Contact them for prices.

World labour report 1994. Volume 7. This new volume deals successively with the following issues: Globalization and employment; harmony between work and family; employers' organizations; financing health care through social insurance in developing countries; chemicals in the working environment. 1994. 113 pp. ISBN 92-2-108009-9. SFR22.50.; US$18.; £10.80.

Working papers, conference papers, briefing and information notes

Basic briefing material in occupational health. 1994.

Deterrence and compensation: Legal liability in occupational safety and health. 1982. 76 pp. ISBN 92-2-103010-5. SFR17.50.

International cooperation in occupational health: The role of international organizations. 1994.

Occupational health: Trends and perspectives. ILO action in this field. 1990.

Occupational safety and health: ILO approaches and activities. 1989.

Occupational health and safety management and related issues. 1995.

Review of Occupational Safety and Health Activities of the ILO. Joint ILO/WHO Committee on Occupational Health, 11th Session, Geneva 1995. 22 pp. ISBN 92-2-108238-5.

Relationships between the concept of "Internal Responsibility System" and "Occupational Health and Safety Management". 1995.

Relationship between "Occupational Health and Safety Management" standards and the provision of occupational health services. 1995.

Safe and healthy working environment: Common goal, multidisciplinary approach and inter-sectoral cooperation. 1994.

Workshop on safety and health information dissemination for selected African countries, Blantyre, 1989.

Summary briefing on ILO and occupational safety and health. 1994.


African newsletter on occupational health and safety.
Available only through CIS.

Asian newsletter on occupational health and safety. Available only through CIS.

Guidelines for establishment of the CIS national centres. (African Safety and Health Project.) Provides basic instructions for setting up safety and health information units in Africa. Publicizes the services available from CIS. Available only from CIS. Free publication.

CIS Information Sheets: Available on request from CIS for SFR1./sheet. Minimal order: SFR. 20.

Medical Information Series A/Aids Precaution
Ergonomic Information Series A/Working in Standing Positions
B/VDT Workplace
Technical Information Series A/Abrasive Wheels
B/Materials Handling
E/Woodworking Machines
F/Powered Hand Tools
G/Hand Tools
H/Chain Saws
K/Personal Protective Equipment
M/Metal Working
Chemical Information: List upon request from CIS

Child Labour

Conventions and Recommendations

C.77: Medical Examination of Young Persons (Industry), 1946
C.78: Medical Examination of Young Persons (Non-Industrial Occupations), 1946
R.79: Medical Examination of Young Persons, 1946
C.124: Medical Examination of Young Persons (Underground Work), 1965
R.125: Conditions of employment of young persons underground in mines, 1965
C.127 and R.128: Maximum permissible weight to be carried by one worker, Lowering of the maximum permissible weight for women and young persons, 1967
C.138 and R.146: Minimum Age, 1973

Guides and manuals

Children at work: Health and safety risks. Geneva, 1997. ISBN 92-2-109520-7. SFR25.

Trade unions and child labour: A guide to action. Geneva, 1996. ISBN 92-2-109514-2. SFR20.; US$18.; £10.80.

Occupational health problems of young workers. 1973. 143 pp. Third impression 1984. ISBN 92-2-101051-1. SFR10. Translation: French.

Applicability in the urban informal sector of international labour conventions dealing with basic social rights: Child labour and occupational safety and health. An overview. Geneva, 1992. 24 pp.

In the twilight zone: Child workers in the hotel, tourism and catering industry. Geneva, 1995. 92 pp. ISBN 92-2-109194-5. SFR15.; US$13.50.; £9.45.

First things first in child labour: Eliminating work detrimental to children. Presents an action-oriented overview which can serve as background material for training courses. Geneva, 1995. 163 pp. ISBN 92-2-109197-X. SFR20.

Labour inspection and the adoption of a policy on child labour: Training guide. (Document, No. 36.) Provides guidelines on how to conduct a training and action programme intended to train labour inspectors and to enable them to formulate coherent and concerted national policies on child labour. Geneva, 1994. 182 pp. ISBN 92-2-109145-7. Translation: French, Turkish.

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Child labour: Targeting the intolerable. International Labour Conference, 86th Session, Geneva, 1998. Report No. VI(1). (Geneva, 1996.) ISBN 92-2-110328-5. Translation:French, Spanish, Arabic, German, Russian, Chinese.

Child labour: A guide to project design. A three-part manual that presents a set of guiding principles and practical tools to help in the design of projects for the benefit of working children. This manual is part of the ILO-Child labour collection. Geneva, 1993. 99 pp. ISBN 92-2-108005-6. SFR 17.50.

Children and hazardous work in the Philippines. This report describes the historical change in emphasis of measures to combat child labour in the Philippines from intervention through legislation to direct action at local level. Geneva, 1993. 72 pp. ISBN 92-2-106474-3. SFR15.

Child labour in Sri Lanka. Learning from the past. This report describes Sri Lankan experience in the problems of child labour and focuses in particular on dangerous and exploitative child labour, the difficulties faced by the Government and the measures developed to deal with the problem. Geneva 1993. 77 pp. ISBN 92-2-106473-5. SFR 15.

Working papers, conference papers, briefing and information notes

Child labour in the brass-ware industry of Moradabad, India. Geneva, 1989. 57 pp. ISBN 92-2-106708-4.

Child work in Russia. Based on a survey of 2,500 persons representing four different population groups in Russia: the general Russian population, Moscow schoolchildren, parents and teachers. Geneva, 1993. 10 pp. ISBN 92-2-109029-9.

ILO pilot project on child scavengers in metropolitan Manila. Evaluation Highlights. ILO: Bureau of Programming and Management. Geneva, 1992, 8 pp.

Labour inspection and child labour. (Document, No. 31.) Latin American Tripartite Regional Seminar: Abolition of Child Labour and the Protection of Children at Work, Quito, 1991. Explores the role of labour inspection in detecting hazards and abuses of child labour. (Also held in Portuguese.) Geneva, 1992. ISBN 92-2-008335-3. Translation: French, Spanish.


"I am a child!" - Videocassette (VHS) (52 Min.), Geneva 1996. PAL: ISBN 92-2-110373-0; NTSC: ISBN 92-2-110374-9. SFR45.; US$40.50.; £24.30. Also available in French, Spanish, German, Portuguese.

Child labour: Law and practice. Conditions of Work Digest. Vol. 10, No. 1, Geneva, 1991. ISBN 92-2-107751-9. SFR45.; US$36.; £19.80.

See also related topics:

Drugs and Alcohol

Codes of practice

Management of alcohol- and drug-related issues in the workplace. Problems relating to alcohol and drug use may arise from personal, family or social factors, or from certain work situations, or from a combination of these elements. Such problems not only have an adverse effect on the health and well-being of workers but may also cause difficulties at work, including a deterioration in job performance. While the elimination of substance abuse is a highly desirable goal, experience has shown the difficulty of achieving this. The practical recommendations contained in this book are intended to provide guidance to all those who have responsibility for addressing alcohol-and drug-related issues at the workplace. Geneva, 1996. 61 pp. ISBN 92-2-109455-3. SFR15.; US$18.; £10.80. Translation: French, Spanish.

Guides and manuals

Drug and alcohol prevention programmes in the maritime industry - A manual for planners. This manual has been produced to assist shipowners, ship managers and others to enhance the safety of shipping operations and the health of seafarers by preventing and reducing drug and alcohol problems on board ship. May 1996. ISBN: 92-2-110260-2. (Free.)

A new way of counting: A practical guide to implementing an alcohol prevention campaign. This awareness creation and self-assessment programme consists of a number of posters and brochures. A simple manual explaining how to use these elements in a comprehensive campaign (for organizations with less than 250 employees) and in a "pacemaker strategy" (for organizations with more than 250 employees). Available free from the Vocational Rehabilitation Branch. Translation: French.

Addiction rehabilitation - Principles of effective programming for developing nations. Ch'ien, J, Zackon, F. This publication is concerned with rehabilitation in developing countries, where extensive programmes are needed but resources are limited. Planners and service providers must study the work and ideas of others, analyse and decide what may work in their own cultures and adapt what is valuable in meeting their own needs. This book is intended as a tool for these tasks. Reflecting the orientation of the International Labour Organization, the concentration is on the vocational and social reintegration of ex-addicts including problems of employment as well as other issues that impinge directly upon maintaining abstinence following discharge from rehabilitation programmes. Geneva, 1994. English: ISBN 92-2-109490-1, French: ISBN 92-2-209490-5. Available free from the Vocational Rehabilitation Branch, ILO, Geneva or United Nations, Sales Section, New York or Geneva.

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Alcohol and drugs in the workplace: Attitudes, policies and programmes in the European Community. Report of a joint ILO/EC project. Terminal Report of a research project carried out in the twelve member countries of the European Community. It contains a synthetic report of project findings by the ILO, 12 country reports prepared by national collaborators, a special review of laws and regulations in the member States of the European Community, and a directory of information sources on alcohol and drugs in the workplace. Geneva. Forthcoming in 1998.

Report of the workshop on mobilizing small businesses to prevent substance abuse, Oslo, Norway, 12-16 May 1997. This report results from a meeting which was held to launch the first major activity of the Norwegian-funded project "A Mobilizing Small Businesses to Prevent Substance Abuse". The project is the only one of its kind at the inter-regional level which focuses specifically on problems related to drugs and alcohol in the small-business community in which some 80 per cent of the workforce is engaged. Available from the Vocational Rehabilitation Branch.

Education of seafarers in the dangers to both their health and professional careers arising from abuse of drugs and alcohol. Joint ILO/WHO Committee on the Health of Seafarers, 7th Session, Geneva, 1993. Comprises preliminary guidelines on drug testing or screening in the maritime industry. Geneva, 1993. 16 pp. ISBN 92-2-108786-7.

Drugs and alcohol in the maritime industry. Report of the ILO inter-regional Meeting of Experts, Geneva, 29 September - 20 October 1992, This report contains a synthesis of the discussions of the meeting, reports of three working groups, full texts of discussion papers on (a) ILO working paper on drug and alcohol problems in the maritime industry, (b) ILO working paper on drug and alcohol screening issues in the maritime industry, and (c) ILO Working Paper on a proposed action plan to address drug and alcohol problems in the maritime industry, as well as notes submitted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) on its activities relevant to drug use and alcohol abuse, International Shipping Federation Paper on Drugs and Alcohol in the Shipping Industry, International Transport Workers Federation Policy on Drugs and Alcohol, texts of country papers prepared by government participants from Brazil, Egypt, India, Norway, the Philippines. Geneva, 1992. ISBN 92-2-108725-5.


Alcohol and drugs: Programmes of assistance for workers. Conditions of Work Digest. Vol. 6, No. 1, Geneva, 1987. 246 pp. ISBN 92-2-105962-6. SFR40.; US$28.; £17.60. (Excerpts available in French: Alcool et drogue: programmes d'assistance aux travailleurs, Geneva 1989, IBN 92-2-206520-4, SFR30.

See also related topics:

Labour Administration and Inspection

Conventions and Recommendations

C.81: Labour Inspection, 1947
R.81: Labour Inspection, 1947
R.82: Labour Inspection (Mining and Transport), 1947
C.129 and R.133: Labour inspection (Agriculture), 1969

Guides and manuals

Inspection services: safety and health. (Training materials series, TM 1:2.) ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1992. 19 pp.

International labour standards concerned with labour inspection: Main provisions. Geneva, 1990. 163 pp. ISBN 92-2-106753-X. SFR22.50. Translation: French, Spanish, Portuguese.

Introduction manual (guidelines) for labour offices (part II). Guidelines for labour inspectors in labour ministries. ILO ARPLA. Kathmandu, Nepal. 1991. 144 pp. (ILO-NEP/89/004)

Labour administration: Profile on Malaysia. ILO: ARPLA. Bangkok, Thailand. 1989. 145 pp. ISBN 92-2-107028-X. SFR20.

Labour administration: Profile on Fiji. This ILO publication reviews the organizational and manpower structure, role and functions, and budget of the labour administration system in Fiji. Includes topics such as factory inspection, training service, minimum wages, vocational training service, etc. Geneva, 1990. 75 pp. ISBN 92-2-107606-7. US$6.

Labour inspection and the adoption of a policy on child labour: Training guide. (Document No. 36.) Provides guidelines on how to conduct a training and action programme intended to train labour inspectors and to enable them to formulate coherent and concerted national policies on child labour. Geneva, 1994. 182 pp. ISBN 92-2-109145-7. Translation: French, Turkish.

Labour inspection: A workers' education manual. 1986 (revised edition currently in preparation). 100 pp. ISBN 92-2-105359-8. SFR17.50. Translation: French, Spanish.

Labour administration training material: labour inspection skills in the textile industry. The present publication comprises material used in a Regional Training Course on Labour Inspection Skills in the Textile Industry organized by ILO/ARPLA at the Central Labour Institute (CLI), Bombay, India, 3-21April, 1989. Geneva, 1990. 288 pp. Illus. Annexes. ISBN 92-2-107605-9. US$12.

Inspection of labour conditions on board ship: Guidelines for procedure. Geneva, 1990. 76 pp. ISBN 92-2-107096-4. SFR17.50. Translation: French, Spanish, Portuguese.

Labour inspection in the construction industry. (Document No. 8.) Geneva, 1989. 69 pp. ISBN 92-2-106590-1.

Labour inspection skills in the petroleum industry. Labour administration training material. Bangkok, Thailand. 1991. 155 pp. ISBN 92-2-108142-7. SFR20.

Guidelines on inspection in chemical factories, especially major accident hazard installations. Series No. 2, 1992. 107 pp. Available only from CIS. SFR10; minimum order SFR20.

Reports (including report of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Chemical safety course for factory inspectors. Combined chemical and physical hazards course for factory inspectors: Course report. ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1992.

Developing of inspection services: Changing role of factory inspection. (Report 5/94). This report is a collection of papers elaborating some of the fundamental tasks of factory inspectors. At the same time, the report manifests the approach of the African Safety and Health Project concerning the factory inspection service. 138 pp. Available only from CIS. Contact them for prices.

High-level meeting on safety and health priorities, 29-30 July 1991, and Symposium for chief factory inspectors, 31 July-2 August 1991, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Report 1/92.) Includes main outcomes of the high-level meeting which was attended by Permanent Secretaries, chief factory inspectors from the project's target countries, observers from employers' and workers' organizations, and ILO officials and experts. ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 71 pp. Available only from CIS. Contact them for prices.

Labour inspection and chemical hazards: A spectral analysis of systems of labour inspection. (Document No. 22.) Based on questionnaire and interview surveys of labour inspectors in 58 countries, the document examines various techniques employed in checking and prevention. Seeks to demonstrate the most effective methods of intervention and the responses produced in terms of organization and of action programmes. Geneva, 1992. 245 pp. ISBN 92-2-107652-0. Translation: Spanish.

Labour inspection in the engineering industry: (Labour administration training material, No. 9.) Proceedings and training material of ILO/ARPLA/CLI regional training course on labour inspection skills in the engineering industry, Bombay, 4-22 April 1988. ILO: ARPLA. Bangkok, Thailand. 1989. 309 pp. ISBN 92-2-1072584. SFR27.50.

Labour inspection in the petroleum producing industry. (Document No. 38.) ILO: Labour Administration Branch. Geneva, 1994. 100 pp. ISBN 92-2-109387-5.

Labour inspection skills in the textile industry. (Training material series, No. 10.) Proceedings and training material of ILO/ARPLA/CLI regional training course on labour inspection skills in the textile industry, Bombay, 3-21 April 1989. ILO: ARPLA. Bangkok, Thailand. 1990. 288 pp. ISBN 92-2-107605-9. SFR30.

Organizing the record keeping and computerized workplace information system (WINFO). (Report 8/94). This report gives a general framework for a record keeping system in any factory or labour inspectorate. The report introduces both manual and computerized systems. The computerized system has been thoroughly introduced in Project Report 2/1994. 26 pp. Available only from CIS. Contact them for prices.

National seminar on labour inspection in the jute industry, Chittagong, 1989. Report of the Bangladesh Ministry of Labour and Manpower on the national seminar on labour inspection in the jute industry. Bangkok, Thailand. 1989. 34 pp.

Residential seminar on self-regulatory approaches in labour inspection, Shatin, Hong Kong. ILO: ARPLA, Labour Department. Hong Kong. 1988. 118 pp. Translation: Chinese.

Working papers, conference papers, briefing and information notes

Factory inspection: selected technical papers. Presented at three training courses organized at ARLAC, Harare, Zimbabwe, (1988-90). Provides coverage of main topics related to labour administration and factory inspection. Thirty-one annexes including various documents concerning the procedure of factory inspection complete this book, making it a comprehensive reference and valuable training material. Geneva, 1991. 145 pp. Illus. Bibliographical references. Annexes. ISBN 92-2-108065-X.


Computerized workplace information system (WINFO): Instructions. This database is a tool for inspectors and is able to handle information about workplaces, inspections, accidents and their investigations, boilers and pressure vessels, chemical information, electrical safety, etc. In addition, the system will produce all the necessary data for annual reports. Used considerably in industrialized countries, WINFO also takes well into account the needs of the developing world. Simple to install and apply, it requires no special programming skills. The maintenance and updating of the system are easy; there is no copyright for system modifications. 88 pp. Available from CIS. Contact them for prices.

Factories checklist pack. Presents a series of checklists for the identification and control of safety and health hazards in the textile industry. New Delhi, 1994. 39 pp. ISBN 92-2-109565-7. Available only from ILO New Delhi. Free publication (except for postage).

Labour inspection systems and labour inspectors training policies. Worldwide survey of labour inspection and labour inspection training systems, based on the answers to a questionnaire survey conducted in preparation for an international seminar on the training of labour inspectors, held in Lyon (France), 12-15 Oct. 1992. Three types of labour inspectorates are distinguished: generalist, specialized and multidisciplinary. Geneva, 1993. 51 pp. Illus. ISBN 92-2-108728-X. Translation: French, Spanish.

See also related topics:

Machine Safety

Conventions and Recommendations

R.32: Power-driven Machinery, 1929
C.119 and R.118: Guarding of Machinery, 1963

Codes of practice

Safe construction and operation of tractors. 1976. 39 pp. ISBN 92-2-101403-7. SFR12.50. Translation: French, Spanish.

Safe design and use of chain saws. 1978. 71 pp. ISBN 92-2-101927-6. SFR15.

Guides and manuals

Boiler safety: guidelines and checklists for boiler inspectors. (Training materials series, TM 2:1.) ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1992. 46 pp. ISBN 0-7974-1066-X.

Boiler safety: Training of boiler attendants. (Training materials series, TM 2:2.) Comprises six papers presented during a boiler inspection training course held by ARLAC. Also includes the course outline. ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1992. 23 pp. ISBN 0-7974-1067-8.

Machine safety: Conveyors. (Training materials series, TM 5:4.) Illustrates the safe operation of conveyors. ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1993. 12 pp. ISBN 0-7974-1246-8.

Machine safety: Cranes. (Training materials series, TM 5:3.) ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1993. 25 pp. ISBN 0-7974-1243-3.

Machine safety: General principles of machine guarding. (Training materials series, TM 5:2.) ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1993. 27 pp. ISBN 0-7974-1244-1.

Machine safety: Hazard identification, methodology, terminology. (Training materials series, TM 5:1.) Includes a methodology for selecting safety measures. ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1993. 20 pp. ISBN 0-7974-1247-6.

Machine safety: Presses. (Training materials series, TM 5:5.) ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1993. 23 pp. ISBN 0-7974-1242-5.

Safe construction and installation of escalators. 1976. 29 pp. ISBN 92-2-101180-1. SFR6. Translation: French.

Safety in the use of industrial robots. (OSH Series, No. 60.) Guide to safety in the design and use of industrial robots, based on the practices and experiences in the seven main user countries. Geneva, 1989. 69 pp. ISBN 92-2-106434-4. SFR12.50.

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Safety measures for specified equipment/machines with high risks of causing industrial injuries. ILO:ARPLA Regional Seminar, Pattaya, 1992. Safety measures for specified equipment and machines.(I: General report; II-1: Boilers and pressure vessels; II-2: Cranes and mobile cranes; II-3: Earth-moving machines for construction; II-4: Earth-moving machines for loading and carrying.) Deals with the safe use of machinery and equipment in manufacturing and construction industries. Bangkok, Thailand. 1992.


Ergonomics in the jute industry; Guarding of jute machinery. 1 Videocassette (VHS): COL (PAL). Part 1, 26 min., entitled "Different kinds of risk in the machinery process and means of action - protection". Part 2, 21 min., entitled "Safeguarding different types of machinery and powers shifting in all processes". ILO: ARPLA. Bombay, India. 1991.

CIS Technical Information Sheets Series A/1-5Abrasive Wheels
E/1-10 Woodworking Machines
F/1-11 Powered Hand Tools
G/1-16 Hand Tools
H/1-6Chain Saws

Practical documents available only on request from CIS. Each Series SFR10. Minimal order: SFR20.

See also related topics:

Major Hazard Control

Conventions and Recommendations

R. 31: Prevention of Industrial Accidents, 1929
C.174 and R.181: Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents, 1993

Codes of practice

Prevention of major industrial accidents. Geneva, 1991. 108 pp. ISBN 92-2-107101-4. SFR20. Translation:French., Spanish.

Guides and manuals

Major hazard control: A practical manual. An overview on major hazards, presented in a readable format. Provides information on all the main subjects in this field, and the appendices contain some practical tools to be used and interesting examples of several applications. Third impression (with corrections), 1993. 296 pp. ISBN 92-2-106432-8. SFR 45.; US$36.; £21.60. Translation: French., Spanish.

Original title: Dasar-dasar keselamatan kerja bidang kimia pensendalian bahaya besar. (Additional title in English: Fundamentals of chemical safety and major hazard control.) Contains model safety guidelines for enterprises using or manufacturing chemicals. ILO: Jakarta, Indonesia. 1991. 406 pp. ISBN 979-8012-04-06.

Guidelines on inspection of chemical factories, especially major accident hazard installations. (Series of information and training materials, No. 2.) African training and information project on occupational safety and health. Asian regional programme on occupational safety and health. Geneva, 1992. 107 pp. Available only from CIS. Contact them for prices.

Preventing major industrial accidents in Asia: A guide. Presents a plan of action for setting up a national major hazard control system as laid down in the Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents Convention, 1993 (No. 174). ILO: EASMAT. Bangkok, Thailand. 1994. 44 pp. ISBN 92-2-109697-1.

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Inspection reports of major accident hazard installations, especially chemical factories. (Report 4/94). A collection of 38 inspection reports on chemical and other installations of the process industry. One can learn a new approach to inspection of chemical installations and get up-to-date information on how to control chemical hazards. All identification data has been removed from the reports, therefore, the factories are named XYZ Ltd, etc. 221 pp. Available only from CIS. Contact them for prices.

Prevention of major industrial accidents. International Labour Conference, 80th Session, Geneva, 1993. Report No. IV(1). 12 pp. ISBN 92-2-108502-3. SFR7.50. Translation: Spanish, French, Arabic, Chinese, German and Russian. Report No. IV(2B), Geneva, 1993. 20 pp. ISBN 92-2-008510-0. SFR7.50.

Report on the ILO Asian-Pacific symposium on standards-related topics, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 31 March-3 April 1992. Discusses the prevention of industrial disasters and the protection of workers' claims in the event of the insolvency of their employer. Includes country-by-country reports on the ratification and application of ILO Conventions. ILO: ROAP. Bangkok, Thailand. 1992. 126 pp. ISBN 92-2-108785-9.

Report on the ILO Asian-Pacific symposium on standards-related topics, Beijing, China, 30 March-2 April 1993. Discusses standard-setting procedures concerning part-time work and the prevention of major industrial accidents. Comprises country-by-country reports on the ratification and application of ILO Conventions including compliance with reporting obligations. ILO: ROAP. Bangkok, Thailand. 1993. 130 pp. ISBN 92-2-109031-0.

Republic of Indonesia: Chemical safety and major hazards control; terminal report. Geneva, 1992. 60 pp. ISBN 92-2-108537-6.

Sri Lanka: Country policy paper on chemical safety and the prevention of major industrial accidents. National tripartite workshop on the support for the ratification and implementation of ILO standards on the working environment, Colombo, 1995. Geneva, 1995. 35 pp.


Broken flight. 1 Videocassette (VHS) (28 minutes): Col. (PAL). Recounts three case histories of countries where fragile environments have been jeopardized by unsound and shortsighted industrial development. Calls for rational development to prevent industrial disasters and make better use of natural resources. Geneva, 1994. Translation: Spanish.

Prevention of industrial disasters. International Labour Conference, 79th Session, Geneva, 1992. Report, V(1). Includes the text of the ILO Code of Practice on the prevention of major industrial accidents adopted by a Meeting of Experts in October 1990, and a questionnaire to which member States are requested to reply. 48 pp. ISBN 92-2-107969-4. SFR12.50. Translation: French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, German and Russian.

See also related topics:

New Technology

Codes of practice

Safety, health and working conditions in the transfer of technology to developing countries. Today there is a constant flow of machinery, chemicals and processes from developed to developing countries. This code of practice provides practical recommendations for all those with responsibility for safety and health hazards arising from the transfer of technology, and in particular those who may be engaged in the framing of provisions. 1988. 88 pp. ISBN 92-2-106122-1. SFR15. Translation: French, Spanish.

Guides and manuals

Visual display units: Job content and stress in office work. By F. J. Dy. This book examines visual display units from the angle of work organization and working time, health, safety and ergonomic aspects, and occupational stress. 1985. Second impression, 1989. 138 pp. ISBN 92-2-105083-1. SFR17.50.; US$14.; £8.40.

Visual display units: Radiation protection guidance. (OSH Series, No. 70.) International Radiation Protection Association. International Non-ionizing Radiation Committee. Geneva, 1993. 53 pp. ISBN 92-2-108262-8. SFR15.

Working with visual display units. (OSH Series, No. 61.) Provides guidance on ways and means to minimize the negative effects of working with visual display units. Includes selected examples of regulations, guidelines and collective agreements governing their use. (Second impression, 1990). Geneva, 1989. 57 pp. ISBN 92-2-106509-X. SFR12.50. Translation: French, Spanish.

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Meeting of experts on safety and health of workers in the electronics industry: Report of the meeting. Geneva, 1994. 18 pp. ISBN 92-2-109478-2. Translation: French, Spanish.

Working papers, conference papers, briefing and information notes

Meeting of experts on safety and health of workers in the electronics industry. (Working paper) Geneva, 1994. 36 pp. ISBN 92-2-109305-0. Translation: Spanish.


Telework. Conditions of Work Digest. Vol. 9, No. 1, Geneva, 1990. ISBN 92-2-107-277-0. SFR40.; US$28.; £17.60.

Visual display units. Conditions of Work Digest. Vol. 5, No. 1, Geneva, 1986. ISBN 92-2-105657-0. SFR35. (Excerpts available in French and Spanish: Le travail sur écran, Geneva, 1988, ISBN 92-2-206315-5, SFR17.50; Trabajo con pantallas de visualización, Geneva, 1988, ISBN 92-2-306315-9, SFR17.50.)

See also related topics:

Radiation Protection

Conventions and Recommendations

C.115 and R.114: Protection of Workers Against Ionizing Radiation, 1960

Codes of practice

Radiation protection of workers (ionizing radiations) Geneva, 1987. 71 pp. ISBN 92-2-105996-0. SFR15. Translation: French, Spanish.

Guides and manuals

Visual display units: Radiation protection guidance. OSH Series, No. 70.) This ILO publication provides an overview of knowledge concerning radiation issues of work with visual display units (VDUs). Geneva, 1994. 53 pp. Illus. ISBN : 92-2-108262-8. SFR15.

The provisions of the basic safety standards for radiation protection relevant to the protection of workers against ionising radiation. Biological effects and occupational hazards due to ionizing radiation: objective and scope of the standards; conditions of exposure; system of notification, registration or licensing; dose limitation; classification of work areas; physical and medical surveillance; medical records; accidental and emergency exposure; definition of terms. Geneva, 1990. 29 pp. ISBN 92-105097-1. SFR7.50. Translation: French, Spanish.

Guidelines for the radiation protection of workers in industry (ionizing radiations) (OSH Series, No. 62.) Requirements for control of exposure to radiation of workers engaged in radiation work in specific installations and practices. Geneva, 1989. 36 pp. ISBN 92-2-106442-5. SFR10.

International basic safety standards for protection against ionizing radiation and for the safety of radiation sources. (IAEA Safety Series No. 115-1.) Joint publication of FAO/IAEA/ILO/ OECD/NEA/PAHO/WHO. Geneva, 1994. Interim edition.

Occupational hazards from non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation. (OSH Series, No. 53.) Non-ionizing radiations have been put to use in virtually every area of the living and working environment. This survey includes a brief description of the characteristics of the various types of non-ionizing radiation and of how they interact with biological tissues, and looks into potential health hazards from occupational exposure. 1985. 133 pp. ISBN 92-2-103540-9. SFR17.50.; US$14.; £8.40.

Protection of workers against radio-frequency and microwave radiation: A technical review. (OSH Series, No. 57.) Exposure to radio-frequency (RF) and microwave (MW) radiation is increasing as a result of the proliferation of such sources in every area of the living and working environment. This review aims to provide guidance on working conditions and procedures that will lead to higher standards of safety for all persons engaged in the manufacture, maintenance and operation of RF and MW devices. 1986. 72 pp. ISBN 92-2-105604-X. SFR17.50.; US$14.; £8.40.

Protection of workers from power frequency electric and magnetic fields: A practical guide. (OSH Series, No. 69.) International Radiation Protection Association. International Non-ionizing Radiation Committee. Reviews the health effects of extremely low frequency (ELF) electricity and magnetic fields. Includes summaries of regulations and other standards in selected developed countries which govern exposure limits for workers and the general public. Geneva, 1993. 81 pp. ISBN 92-2-108261-X. SFR20.

Radiation monitoring in the mining and milling of radioactive ores. (IAEA Safety Guides, 1989.) Joint publication of IAEA/ILO/WHO.

Radiation protection in the mining and milling of uranium and thorium. 1976. 346 pp. ISBN 92-2-101504-1. SFR35. Translation: French.

The use of lasers in the workplace: A practical guide. (OSH Series, No. 68.) Reviews the health effects of laser radiation. Presents classification scheme of the laser devices. Geneva, 1993. 60 pp. ISBN 92-2-108260-1. SFR17.50.

Working papers, conference papers, briefing and information notes

The role and activities of the ILO concerning the radiation protection of workers (ionizing radiations). 1990.

See also related topics:

Training and Education

Guides and manuals

Your health and safety at work: A collection of modules. By E. Rosskam. 12 comprehensive and participatory training modules on occupational health and safety designed for workers in developing countries. Useful as well for managers and factory inspectors. Titles of modules include:

Instructor's Guide to the Modules ISBN 92-2-108782-4
– Introduction to Occupational Health and Safety ISBN 92-2-108684-4
– Your body at work ISBN 92-2-108781-6
– Controlling hazards ISBN 92-2-108683-6
– Noise at work ISBN 92-2-108780-8
– Legislation and enforcement ISBN 92-1-108682-8
– Chemicals in the workplace ISBN 92-2-108778-6
   (Appendices) ISBN 92-2-108777-8
– AIDS and the workplace ISBN 92-2-108774-3
– Ergonomics ISBN 92-2-108779-4
– Using health and safety committees at work ISBN 92-2-108685-2
   (+ Appendices) ISBN 92-2-108685-2
– Male and female reproductive health hazards in the workplace ISBN 92-2-108776-X
– Health and safety for women and children ISBN 92-2-108775-1

Geneva, 1996. English. (French and Spanish versions foreseen.) ISBN 92-2-108652-6. SFR50. the collection.

Basic training manual on occupational safety and health: Training package. (Report 6/94).

The text is based on two major references: 1. Hazards at Work-TUC Guide to Health and Safety. Trades Union Congress. London, U.K. 1988. 214 pp.; 2. Safety, Health and Working Conditions: A training Manual, Joint Industrial Safety Council, Sweden/ILO, 1987. 194 pp.+144 transparencies. Available only from CIS. Contact them for prices.

East and southern African advanced workers' education course on working environment and occupational health and safety. (Project on Promotion and Development of Advanced and Specialized Regional Trade Union Training.) (Workers' Education Programme). Includes trainers' handbook, course activities, course support materials, and four modules from the series "Your health and safety at work: A collection of modules". Geneva, 1993. ISBN 92-2-108652-6. Copy available for consultation only in ILO library.

Education and training policies in occupational safety and health and ergonomics. 1982. 897 pp. ISBN 92-2-003002-0. SFR35. (Multilingual)

Safety and health in the use of chemicals at work: A training manual. Includes the texts of ILO Convention No. 170 and ILO Recommendation No. 177 and a system for classification, identification and labelling of chemicals. Geneva, 1993, 78 pp. ISBN 92-2-106470-0. SFR 17.50.

Safety and health in the use of agrochemicals: A guide. This simple, non-technical guide places the emphasis on the safe handling and use of agrochemicals and gives practical safety measures that are easy to follow. Geneva, 1991. 66 pp. Illus. Bibl.ref. Annexes. ISBN 92-2-107281-9. SFR25. Translation: Spanish, Russian.

Safety, health and welfare on construction sites: A training manual. If you are employed in construction - as a worker or a worker's representative, or as a supervisor - you will naturally be concerned that you and your colleagues should be safe and healthy. This clear, easy-to-read manual helps you to consider safety, health and welfare conditions on construction sites in your country and to learn about possible solutions to the problems you encounter. It covers all aspects of work on construction sites. 1995. 107 pp. ISBN 92-2-109182-1. SFR25.; US$20.; £12.

Ergonomic checkpoints: A collection of practical, easy-to-use ergonomic solutions for improving working conditions. This fully illustrated easy-to-use manual is an extremely useful tool for everyone who wants to improve their working conditions for better safety, health and efficiency. Each of the 128 checkpoints has been developed to help the user look at various workplaces and identify practical solutions which can be made applicable under local conditions. Developed jointly with the International Ergonomics Association. 1996. ISBN 92-2-109442-1. SFR 25.00.

A guide to material development and training for basic training of health and safety shop stewards, OATUU-ILO Health & Safety Project, July 1993. This guide has been prepared by members of the African Regional Health and Safety Working Group of trade unions. Its aim is to assist union centres in Africa to prepare their training approach and materials for basic health and safety training for shop floor union health and safety cadres, or safety and health shop stewards. Geneva, 1993, 200 pp. Available only from CIS. Contact them for prices.

Higher productivity and a better place to work. Practical ideas for owners and managers of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises. Two volumes. Vol. 1. Action manual. 115 pp. ISBN 92-2-106409-3. SFR15. Vol. 2. Trainers' manual. 1988; Second impression, 1990. 76 pp. ISBN 92-2-106410-7. SFR30. Translation: Spanish, French.

Occupational hygiene package. This training package is targeted at factory inspectors in developing countries and comprises: a tutor's guide, student notes, case studies and test questions. SFR30. Available from CIS.

Fitting the job to the forest worker: An illustrated training manual on ergonomics. ILO: Industrial Activities Branch. Geneva, 1992. 128 pp. ISBN 92-2-107113-8. SFR17.50.

Safety, health and working conditions: A training manual. Published in cooperation with the Swedish Joint Industrial Safety Council, Editor Lennart Fridlund. Includes Checklist and Discussion Leader's Guide. 1987. 106 pp. ISBN 91-7522-115-2. Available only from CIS. Contact them for prices. (Translations in a wide variety of languages can be obtained by contacting directly the Joint Industrial Safety Council, PO Box 3208, S-10364 Stockholm, Sweden, tel. (+468) 402-0200, fax (468) 21-01-52.)

Success with occupational safety programmes. 1984. 148 pp. ISBN 92-2-103756-8. SFR17.50.

Training for older people: A handbook. Guidelines for trainers who train older adults. Geneva, 1991, 217 pp. ISBN 92-2-107294-0. SFR25.; US$22.50.; £13.50. Translation: Spanish.

Using ILO standards to promote environmentally sustainable development: Discussion booklets. ILO: Bureau for Workers' Activities. Includes a guide and eight booklets designed to raise awareness of the relationship of environmental protection to overall sustainable development. Booklet 1: the ILO and its standards; Booklet 2: environmental indicators of development; Booklet 3: political indicators of development; Booklet 4: economic development and security; Booklet 5: social development; Booklet 6: equality of opportunity and treatment; Booklet 7: education and training; Booklet 8: international development. Geneva, 1996. 1 Kit.

Trade unions and environmentally sustainable development: Discussion booklets. ILO: Bureau for Workers' Activities. Includes a guide and seven booklets designed to raise awareness of the relationship of environmental protection to overall sustainable development. Booklet 1: environmental indicators of development; Booklet 2: political indicators of development; Booklet 3: economic development and security; Booklet 4: social development; Booklet 5: equality of opportunity and treatment; Booklet 6: education and training; Booklet 7: international development. Geneva, 1996. 1 Kit.

Workers' education and environment: Discussion booklets. ILO: Bureau for Workers' Activities. Includes a guide and six booklets: Booklet 1: workers and environment; Booklet 2: the workplace and environment; Booklet 3: the community and environment; Booklet 4: world environmental issues; Booklet 5: the new bargaining agenda; Booklet 6: resources and glossary. Includes addresses of organizations active in the area of environment and a list of banned or restricted pesticides. Geneva, 1993. 1 Kit.

Accident prevention. A workers' education manual. Second (revised) edition. Workers are becoming more and more aware of the role that they, and the management, can play in reducing the number of occupational accidents, and to this end trade union leaders and members will find it an invaluable aid. Second impression, 1986. 175 pp. ISBN 92-2-103392-9. SFR17.50.; US$14.; £8.40. Available in French only.

Training for change: New approach to instruction and learning in working life. Engeström, Yrjö (1994). This book is the printed version of project report 7/1993. ILO, Geneva. 148 pp. Available only from CIS. SFR20.

Boiler safety: guidelines and checklists for boiler inspectors. (Training materials series, TM 2:1.) ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1992. 46 pp. ISBN 0-7974-1066-X.

Boiler safety: Training of boiler attendants. (Training materials series, TM 2:2.) Comprises six papers presented during a boiler inspection training course held by ARLAC. Also includes the course outline. ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1992. 23 pp. ISBN 0-7974-1067-8.

Machine safety: Conveyors. (Training materials series, TM 5:4.) Illustrates the safe operation of conveyors. ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1993.12 pp. ISBN 0-7974-1246-8.

Machine safety: Cranes. (Training materials series, TM 5:3.) ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1993. 25 pp. ISBN 0-7974-1243-3.

Machine safety: General principles of machine guarding. (Training materials series, TM 5:2.) ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1993. 27 pp. ISBN 0-7974-1244-1.

Machine safety: Hazard identification, methodology, terminology. (Training materials series, TM 5:1.) Includes a methodology for selecting safety measures. ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1993. 20 pp. ISBN 0-7974-1247-6.

Machine safety: Presses. (Training materials series, TM 5:5.) ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1993. 23 pp. ISBN 0-7974-1242-5.

Occupational hygiene: An overview. (Training materials series, TM 3:1.) Focuses on general aspects of occupational hygiene relevant to workplace inspection and hazard control. Includes a list of occupational diseases. ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1992. 17 pp. ISBN 0-7974-1068-6.

Occupational hygiene: Dust. (Training materials series, TM 3:4.) ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1992. 23 pp.

Occupational hygiene: Illumination. (Training materials series, TM 3:3.) Includes a brief explanation of the physiology of vision and recommendations on lighting design. ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1992. 24 pp. ISBN 0-7974-1071-6.

Occupational hygiene, Noise. (Training materials series, TM 3:2.) ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1992, 34 pp. ISBN 0-7974-1069-4.

Occupational hygiene: Thermal conditions. (Training materials series, TM 3:5) ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1992. 39 pp.

Construction safety: (Training materials series, TM 6:1.) Excavations, scaffolding, falsework/formwork, roofwork and protection against falls, mobile and tower cranes, chains, slings and lifting gear. ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1993.49 pp.

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Training of trainers' package; Part 1: Trainer's manual. (Report 9a/93). This report is based on a new training approach and is mainly compiled from experiences gained during the Training of Trainers' Workshops held in Kenya, 1992, and in Ethiopia, 1993. The main characteristics of this new approach are participation and action orientation. Our training avoids the traditional model of classroom learning where participants are passive recipients and lecture is the dominant training method. 177 pp. Available only from CIS.

Training of trainers' package; Part 2: Participants' handout. (Report 9b/93). This manual is Part 2: Participants' Handout, which is a part of a practical guide, Training of Trainers' Package, which demonstrates how to put into practice the ideas on training mentioned above. 58 pp. Available only from CIS. SFR30.

Reports on training of trainers' workshops in Kenya and Ethiopia. (Report 1/94).This report is based on two Training of Trainers' Workshops held in Kenya, 30 November-11 December 1992, and in Ethiopia, 22 November-3 December 1993. Both workshops took place at the national level where participants were factory inspectors. The report also includes observations and recommendations concerning the Training of Trainers' package (report 9a and 9b/1993). The report has been written by M. Weinger. 176 pp. Available only from CIS. Contact them for prices.

Caribbean regional workers' education seminar on occupational safety and health. BWU Labour College, St. Philip, Barbados, 13-17 November 1989. Seminar Report. Geneva, 1990. 46 pp. ISBN 92-2-107387-4. Copy available for consultation only.

Combined chemical and physical hazards course for factory inspectors: Course report. ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1992.

Labour inspection by the distance teaching method, 21 July-15 September 1990: Report. ILO: Caribbean Labour Administration Centre. St. Michael, 1990. 21 pp.

Material development & training in health and safety, report of the February 1993 ILO ARTUU Meeting, Accra. (Report 6/93). Third in a series of meetings, the report concentrates on the role of safety and health shop stewards, the content of health and safety training, different training approaches, methods and materials, and how to develop safety and health training materials for trade unions. 44 pp. Available only from CIS. Contact them for prices.

Promotion of training in occupational safety and health in industry: Terminal report. Geneva, 1990. II, 93 pp. + Annex.

Labour inspection skills in the textile industry: training material. The present publication comprises material used in a Regional Training Course organized by ILO/ARPLA in Bombay, India, 3-21 April, 1989. Some topics covered: textile machinery hazards and their control; safety in textile processing; fire prevention and control; ventilation and noise measurement in the textile industry; occupational health problems and medical surveillance. Geneva, 1990. 288 pp. Illus. Annexes. ISBN 92-2-107605-9. US$12.

Training programmes and training materials on occupational safety and health of the ILO and some other organizations. (Report 4/92). This report describes the findings and observations made during a short-term consultation by S. Lehtinen, concerning training programmes and training materials of selected ILO Branches and some other organizations. The survey took place from 22 April to 18 May 1991. 66 pp. Available only from CIS. Contact them for prices.

Workshop on safety and health information dissemination for African countries (Blantyre 3-6 October 1989): Proceedings. Malawi Ministry of Labour. Geneva, 1989. 56 pp.


Broken flight. 1 Videocassette [VHS] (28 minutes): Col. [PAL]. Recounts three case histories of countries where fragile environments have been jeopardized by unsound and short-sighted industrial development. Calls for rational development to prevent industrial disasters and make better use of natural resources. Geneva, 1994. Translation: Spanish. Available free.

Challenge to change: A film about working life in Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. 1 Videocassette [VHS] (30 minutes): Col. [PAL]. (Produced under the Auspices of the DANIDA funded project: "Workers' Education Assistance on Occupational Safety and Health to Workers' Organizations in Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia"). Copenhagen, 1991.

Ergonomics in the jute industry: Guarding of jute machinery. Videocassette [VHS] COL. [PAL]. (Part 1, 26 minutes, entitled "Different Kinds of Risk in the Machinery Process and Means of Action - Protection"; Part 2, 21 minutes, entitled "Safeguarding Different Types of Machinery and Powers Shifting in all Processes." ILO: ARPLA, Bombay, 1991.

Health is our right! Trade unions and environment. Video and guide. Part I: Overview of select issues (25 minutes). Part II: Work environment (20 minutes). The video is produced to raise awareness and is designed to integrate environmental issues and sustainable development into national development policies and programmes which relate to the education and activities of workers and their organizations. VHS PAL: ISBN 92-2-108937-1. SFR25.; US$20.; £12. VHS NTSC: ISBN 92-2-108936-3. SFR50.; US$40.; £24.

International labour standards on occupational safety and health. Presents the texts of a number of ILO Conventions and Recommendations concerning occupational safety and health. Lists ILO Codes of Practice. New Delhi, 1994. 110 pp. ISBN 92-2-109568-1. Available only from ILO New Delhi. Free publication (except for postage).

Three every second. 1 Videocassette [VHS] (23 minutes): COL. [PAL]. Shows the major hazards involved in construction work together with measures required to help prevent accidents during building operations. Details safety precautions in roofwork, scaffolds, lifting operations, excavation, and transport. ARLAC, Harare, Zimbabwe. 1991.

Working conditions and material handling in the jute industry. 1 Videocassette [VHS] (21 minutes, 25 minutes): COL [PAL]. (Part 1 entitled "Different Working Conditions: Lighting, Noise, Prevention of Fires"; Part 2 entitled "Different Types of Handling During all the Processes."). ILO: Asian and Pacific Project for Labour Administration. Bombay, 1991.

Training in occupational safety and health. (ILO-CIS Bibliography: Safety and Health at Work, No. 32.). Geneva, 1994. 70 pp. Translation: French.

See also related topics:

Women Workers

Conventions and Recommendations

C.127 and R.128: Maximum Weight, lowering of the maximum permissible weight for women and young persons, 1967

Guides and Manuals

ILO standards and women workers. Booklet aimed at explaining the provisions defending women at work contained in ILO Conventions and Recommendations. Geneva, 1990. 54 pp. Illus. ISBN 92-2-107435-8. (Thai edition: ILO ROAP, P.O. Box 1759, Bangkok 10501, Thailand.) Free publication.

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

International data on anthropometry. (OSH Series, No. 65.) Compiles ergonomically important body measurements for both sexes in view of international standards regarding consumer goods and workplace design. Geneva, 1990. 113 pp. ISBN 92-2-106449-2. SFR17.50. Available from CIS.

Equality of opportunity and treatment between men and women in health and medical services. (Report II) ILO Standing Technical Committee for Health and Medical Services, 1st Session, Geneva, 1992. 73 pp. ISBN 92-2-108400-0. SFR15.; US$12.; £7.20.

Room for improvement: A study of women building workers in Bombay. (Construction information paper, No. 5.) Based on interviews with 62 women workers carried out in 1990. Entrepreneurship and Management Development Branch. Geneva, 1992. 63 pp. ISBN 92-2-108439-6. Free publication.

General report. (Report I) ILO Food and Drink Industries Committee, 2nd Session. Comprises action taken in various countries and steps taken to carry out the studies and inquiries proposed by previous meetings; and recent events and developments in the food and drink industries. In the third part, a section on women workers shows their proportion in the industry, the work they perform, and their opportunities for training and promotion. Geneva, 1991. 118 pp. ISBN 92-2-107882-5. SFR20. Translation: French, Spanish.


Women workers: Protection or equality? Conditions of Work Digest. Vol. 6, No. 2, Geneva, 1987. 267 pp. ISBN 92-2-106338-0. SFR40; US$28.; £17.60.

Maternity and work. Conditions of Work Digest. Vol. 13, Geneva, 1994. ISBN 92-2-109199-6. SFR50.

Combating sexual harassment at work. Conditions of Work Digest. Vol.11, No. 1, Geneva, 1992. 300 pp. ISBN 92-2-108257-1. SFR45.; US$36.; £19.80.

See also related topics:

Work Organization

Conventions and Recommendations

C. 121 and R.121: Benefits in the case of employment injury, 1964

Guides and manuals

Quality of work and performance in flexible organizations. Geneva, forthcoming in 1998. ISBN 92-2-109518-5.

Improving working conditions and productivity in the garment industry. Geneva, forthcoming in 1998.

Introduction to work study. Edited by George Kanawaty. Fourth (revised) edition. This highly successful best-seller is known throughout the world as the best available introduction to the subject. 1992. 524 pp. ISBN 92-2-107108-1. SFR37.50.; US$30.; £18.

Higher productivity and a better place to work. Practical ideas for owners and managers of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises. Two volumes. Vol. 1. Action manual. 115 pp. ISBN 92-2-106409-3. SFR15. Vol. 2. Trainers' manual. Second impression, 1990. 76 pp. ISBN 92-2-106410-7. SFR30. Translation: Spanish, French.

Managing and developing new forms of work organization. By N. De, S. Flykt, G. Kanawaty, R. Lindholm, H. Lundgren, A. Malmberg, J.-P. Norstedt and E. Thorsrud. Edited by G. Kanawaty. Management Development Series, No. 16, 2nd Edition. Intended for managers, consultants and trade unionists, this volume provides practical guidelines for developing and introducing new forms of work organization in enterprises. Fourth impression. Geneva, 1991. 206 pp. ISBN 92-2-102707-4. SFR25.; US$20.; £12.

Improve your productivity. Improve working conditions. This guide was produced under the Fiji Start Your Business/Improve Your Business (SYB/IYB) project and is designed to assist owners and managers of small businesses to raise productivity and improve working conditions. A checklist is included. Geneva, 1993. 27 pp. Illus.

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Conditions of employment and work of performers. A report prepared as a basis for discussion at an ILO Tripartite Meeting (5-13 May 1992). Topics covered working time and earnings, performers' rights, social security and health, safety and the working environment. The latter covers occupational risks, recognized occupational diseases, inspection of workplaces, and protection of freelance performers under occupational safety and health legislation. Geneva, 1992. 99 pp. Bibl.ref. ISBN 92-2-108216-4. SFR17.50. Translation: French.

Tripartite meeting on conditions of employment and work of performers - Final report. ILO Tripartite Meeting on Conditions of Employment and Work of Performers in Geneva, 1992. Some topics covered: labour relations and determination of conditions of employment; working time and remuneration; social security and problems associated with fluctuating earnings; health, safety and working environment. Geneva, 1992. 47 pp. Annex. ISBN 92-2-108536-8. SFR15.

Standing technical committee for health and medical services - General report. General Report prepared as a basis for discussion at the ILO Standing Technical Committee for Health and Medical Services, Geneva, 23 September - 1 October 1992. It concentrates on issues selected for their particular importance and topicality in the sector: employment; labour relations and the determination of conditions of employment; working time; remuneration; occupational safety and health. Geneva, 1992. 60 pp. Bibl.ref. ISBN 92-2-108399-3. Translation: French.

Night work. International Labour Conference, 76th Session, Geneva, 1989. Report No.V(1). 83 pp. ISBN 92-2-106663-0. SFR17.50. Translation: French, Spanish, German, Russian, Arabic, Chinese.

Environment and the world of work. Report of the Director-General of the International Labour Office to the International Labour Conference, 77th Session, Geneva, 1990. Topics discussed: environment and development and the ILO; overview of environmental and developmental issues; environmental policy issues; potential repercussions on the world of work (employment, training and industrial relations); role of the ILO's tripartite constituents and of the ILO. 106 pp. Bibl.ref. ISBN 92-2-107114-6. SFR15. Translation: French.

Working papers, conference papers, briefing notes and information notes

On business and work. Comprises 11 essays analysing changes in work life and in working and management practices since the 1970's, and exploring future trends. The essays cover the developments and trends which have shaped and promoted change; government, business and trade union initiatives and policies in regard to work organization; practical experiences in restructuring work organization; and work design. Geneva, 1992. 286 pp. ISBN 92-2-108252-0. SFR42.50.

Older workers: Conditions of work and transition to retirement. Country report: Canada. Working paper by M. Trueman. Geneva, 1993. 57 pp. Refs. ISBN 92-2-108828-6.

Older workers: Conditions of work and transition to retirement. Country report: United States. Working paper by Dr. K. L. Yocum. Geneva, 1993. 71 pp. Refs. ISBN 92-2-108 773-5.

Older workers: Conditions of work and transition to retirement. Country report: Japan. Working paper by S. Oka. Geneva, 1992. 57 pp. ISBN 92-2-108 661-5.

Older workers: Conditions of work and transition to retirement. Country report: United Kingdom. Working paper by A. Thomas, M. Pearson, R. Meegan. Geneva, 1992. 69 pp. Refs. ISBN 92-2-108 657-7.

Travailleurs âgés: Conditions de travail et transition vers la retraite. Rapport sur la France. Documents de travail par X. Gaullier et A. Goldberg. Genève, 1993. 80 pp. Refs. ISBN 92-2-208736-4.


International standard classification of occupations: ISCO-88. Classification scheme adopted by the 14th International Conference of Labour Statisticians, 6 Nov. 1987. Intended to serve as model for countries developing or revising their national occupational classifications. Brief descriptions are given for over 1,000 jobs classified into 10 major groups and various subgroups. Each occupation is given a distinctive number. The relation of the 1988 numbering system to that of the previous (1968) edition is shown in 2 cross-indexes. Geneva, 1990. 464 pp. ISBN 92-2-106438-7. Translation: French, Spanish.

The hours we work: New work schedules in policy and practice. Conditions of Work Digest. Vol. 9, No. 2, Geneva, 1990. 278 pp. ISBN 92-2-107738-1. SFR40; US$32; £17.60.

See also related topics:


Conventions and Recommendations

C.127 and R.128: Maximum Weight, lowering of the maximum permissible weight for women and young persons, 1967

Guides and manuals

Ergonomic checkpoints: A collection of practical, easy-to-use ergonomic solutions for improving working conditions. This fully illustrated easy-to-use manual is an extremely useful tool for everyone who wants to improve their working conditions for better safety, health and efficiency. Each of the 128 checkpoints has been developed to help the user look at various workplaces and identify practical solutions which can be made applicable under local conditions. Developed jointly with the International Ergonomics Association. 1996. ISBN 92-2-109442-1. SFR 25.00.

Quality of work and performance in flexible organizations. Geneva, forthcoming in 1998. ISBN 92-2-109518-5.

Improving working conditions and productivity in the garment industry. Geneva, forthcoming in 1998.

Education and training policies in occupational safety and health and ergonomics. 1982. 897 pp. (Multilingual) ISBN 92-2 003002-0. SFR35.

Fitting the job to the forest worker. An illustrated training manual on ergonomics. Geneva, 1992. 128 pp. ISBN 92-2-107113-8. SFR 17.50.

Higher productivity and a better place to work. Practical ideas for owners and managers of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises. Two volumes. Vol. 1. Action manual. 115 pp. ISBN 92-2-106409-3. SFR15. Vol. 2. Trainers' manual. 76 pp. ISBN 92-2-106410-7. SFR30. Second impression, 1990. Translation: French, Spanish.

International data on anthropometry. (OSH Series, No. 65.) Compiles ergonomically important body measurements for both sexes in view of international standards regarding consumer goods and workplace design. Geneva, 1990. 113 pp. ISBN 92-2-106449-2. SFR17.50. Available from CIS.

Guidelines on ergonomic study in forestry, by Strehlke B., Mobbs I.D., Bostrand L., Apud E. Geneva, 1989. 242 pp. ISBN 92-2-106449-2.

Ergonomic principles in the design of hand tools. (OSH Series, No. 44) Geneva, 1980. 93 pp. ISBN 92-2-102356-7. SR.15.


Ergonomics in the jute industry; guarding of jute machinery; 1 Videocassette [VHS]: COL. [PAL]. Part 1, 26 minutes, entitled "Different Kinds of Risk in the Machinery Process and Means of Action - Protection." Part 2, 21 minutes, entitled "Safeguarding Different Types of Machinery and Powers Shifting in all Processes." ILO: Asian and Pacific Project for Labour Administration. Bombay, 1991.

Nigerian national workshop on ergonomics and occupational safety and health in logging and sawmilling - Proceedings. Federal Ministry of Employment, Labour and Productivity, Nigeria. Geneva, 1990. 93 pp. ISBN 92-2-107798-9.

CIS Ergonomic Information Sheets Series A/Working in standing positions
B/VDT Workplace

Practical documents available only on request from CIS. Complete set (Series A, B and D). SFR10. Minimum order: SFR20.

See also related topics:

Working Conditions and Environment

Conventions and Recommendations

R.97: Protection of Workers' Health, 1953
C.148 and R.156: Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration), 1977

Codes of practice

Protection of workers against noise and vibration in the working environment. Third impression (with modifications) 1984, 90 pp. ISBN 92-2-101709-5. SFR17.50. Translation: French, Spanish.

Guides and manuals

Improving working conditions in small enterprises in developing Asia. Kazutaka Kogi. 1985. 158 pp. ISBN 92-2-105008-4. SFR20.

Introduction to working conditions and environment. Edited by J.-M. Clerc. For many years, the need has been felt for a wide-ranging introductory volume embracing the main aspects of occupational safety and health and general conditions of work. This book has been designed to meet that need. Second impression, 1989. 323 pp. ISBN 92-2-105125-0. SFR30.; US$24.; £14.40. Translation: French, Spanish.

Low-cost ways of improving working conditions: 100 examples from Asia. Demonstrates that significant improvements can be made in conditions of work and occupational safety and health at very low cost. Geneva, 1989. 179 pp. ISBN 92-2-106513-8. SFR12.50.

Maximum weights in load lifting and carrying. (OSH Series, No. 59.) Compares international statutory provisions and standards on maximum weights for lifting and carrying at the workplace. Legislation and practice adopted in various ILO member States are summarized. Information on these subjects has until now been difficult to obtain, so this book will be of great interest to government departments and to workers' and employers' organizations. 1988. 38 pp. ISBN 92-2-106271-6. SFR10.; US$8; £4.80.

Optimization of the working environment: New trends. 1979. 429 pp. (Multilingual) ISBN 92-2-001905-1. SFR35.

Safety, Health and Working Conditions: A Training Manual. Published in cooperation with the Joint Industrial Safety Council of Sweden. Editor Lennart Fridlund. Includes Checklist and Discussion Leader's Guide. Available only from CIS. Contact them for prices. 1987. ISBN 91-7522-115-2. 106 pp. (Translations in a wide variety of languages can be obtained by contacting directly the Joint Industrial Safety Council, PO Box 3208, S-10364 Stockholm, Sweden, tel. (+468) 402-0200, fax (468) 21-01-52.)

Working conditions and environment: A workers' education manual. The ILO aims to ensure that the workers, through their trade unions, will have greater opportunities to play an effective role in that connection. This wide-ranging manual describes the main problems, some of which are not sufficiently known, and the action that can be taken by the unions on their own and with ILO assistance. 1983. 82 pp. ISBN 92-2-103189-6. SFR12.50; US$10; £6.00. Available in French only.

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Environment and the world of work. International Labour Conference, 77th Session, Geneva, 1990. 106 pp. ISBN 92-2-107114-6. SFR15.

Improving working conditions and environment: An international programme (PIACT). International Labour Conference, 70th Session, Geneva, 1984. 129 pp. (English, French, Spanish) ISBN 92-2-103804-1. SFR20.

Night work. International Labour Conference, 76th Session, Geneva, 1989. Report V(1). 83 pp. ISBN 92-2-106663-0. SFR17.50. Translation: French, Spanish, German, Russian, Arabic, Chinese.

Safety and health and the working environment. International Labour Conference, 66th Session, Geneva, 1980. Report VII(a)(1). 84 pp. (French, German, Russian, Spanish) ISBN 92-2-1021009. SFR17.50.

Working papers, conference papers, briefing and information notes

Tripartite advisory meeting on environment and the world of work, Geneva, 1992. ILO activities for environment and the world of work. Includes a section on the cooperation of ILO with the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). Geneva, 1992. 30 pp. ISBN 92-2-108615-1. Translation: French, Spanish.

Night work: Its effects on the health and welfare of the worker. After reviewing the technical, economic and social reasons for night work, this study examines the social, physical, psychological and medical effects on workers, taking into account ergonomic problems and problems connected with the organization of such work. Fourth impression, 1990. 85 pp. ISBN 92-2-101676-5. SFR17.50; US$14; £8.40.

Role and activities of the ILO in the field of protection of workers against noise and vibration. 1989.


Conditions of Work Digest

Visual display units.(Vol. 5, No. 1) 1986, ISBN 92-2-105657-0. SFR35.

Flexibility in working time (Vol. 5, No. 2) 1986, ISBN 92-2-105995-2. SFR35.

Women workers: Protection or equality? (Vol. 6, No. 2) 1987, ISBN 92-2-106338-0. SFR40.; US$28.; £17.60.

Work and family: The child care challenge (Vol. 7, No. 2) 1988, ISBN 92-2-106498-0. SFR40.; US$28.; £17.60.

Part-time work (Vol. 8, No. 1) 1989, ISBN 92-2-106508-1. SFR40.; US$28.; £17.60.

Home work (Vol. 8, No. 2) 1989, ISBN 92-2-106517-0. SFR40.; US$28.; £17.60.

Telework (Vol. 9, No. 1) 1990, ISBN 92-2-107277-0. SFR40.; US$28.; £17.60.

The hours we work: New work schedules in policy and practice (Vol. 9, No. 2) 1990, ISBN 92-2-107738-1. SFR40.; US$32.; £17.60.

Workers' privacy. Part 1: Protection of personal data. (Vol. 10, No. 2) 1991, ISBN 92-2-108251-2. SFR45.; US$36.; £19.80.

Combating sexual harassment at work (Vol. 11, No. 1) 1992, ISBN 92-2-108257-1. SFR45.; US$36.; £19.80.

Workers' privacy. Part 2: Monitoring and surveillance in the workplace (Vol. 12, No. 1) 1993, ISBN 92-2-108740-9. SFR45.; US$36.; £19.80.

Workers' privacy. Part 3: Testing in the workplace (Vol. 12, No. 2) 1993, ISBN 92-2-108746-8. SFR45.; US$36.; £19.80.

Working time around the world (Volume 14) 1995, ISBN 92-2-109510-X. SFR50.; US$45.50; £27.

See also related topics:

Occupational Accident Prevention

Conventions and Recommendations

C.121 and R.121: Employment Injury Benefits, 1964
C.160 and R.170: Labour Statistics, 1985

Codes of practice

Recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases. This code of practice aims to improve the recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases, especially with a view to developing preventive measures. Topics covered include legal and administrative arrangements, enterprise-level recording, the extension of provisions to the self-employed, the compilation of statistics and the investigation of occupational accidents and diseases. Equivalent recommendations are made for commuting accidents and dangerous occurrences and incidents. Geneva, 1996. 96 pp. ISBN 92-2-109451-0. SFR20. Translation: French, Spanish.

Accident prevention on board ship at sea and in port. Geneva, 1996. 2nd Edition, 196 pp. ISBN 92-2-109450-2. Translation: French, Spanish.

Guides and manuals

Accident prevention. A workers' education manual. Second (revised) edition. Workers are becoming more and more aware of the role that they, and the management, can play in reducing the number of occupational accidents, and to this end trade union leaders and members will find it an invaluable aid. Second impression, 1986. 175 pp. ISBN 92-2-103392-9. SFR17.50.; US$14.; £8.40. Available in French only.

The cost of occupational accidents and diseases. (OSH Series, No. 54.) 1985. 140 pp. ISBN 92-2-103758-4. SFR17.50. Translation: French.

Preventive measures in hazardous occupations in Asia: a guide. ISBN 92-2-109696-3. ILO: EASMAT, Bangkok, Thailand. 1996.

Protecting and saving lives at work: The emerging challenge in Asia. ISBN 92-2-109695-5. Location: ILO/EASMAT, Bangkok, Thailand. 1994.

Working papers, conference papers, briefing and information notes

Occupational accidents among seafarers resulting in personal injuries, damage to their general health and fatalities. (Working paper, No. 1.) Includes a review of the provision of ILO Conventions Nos. 134 and 164 concerning accident prevention, health protection and medical assistance for seafarers. Joint ILO/WHO Committee on the Health of Seafarers, Seventh Session, Geneva, 1993. Geneva, 1993. 28 pp. ISBN 92-2-108784-0.

See also related topics:

Occupational Health Services

Conventions and Recommendations

C.77: Medical Examination of Young Persons (Industry), 1946
C.78: Medical Examination of Young Persons (Non-Industrial Occupations), 1946
R.79: Medical Examination of Young Persons, 1946
C.124: Medical Examination of Young Persons (Underground Work), 1965
C.121 and R.121: Benefits in the case of employment injury [ILO], 1964
C.161 and R.171: Occupational Health Services, 1985

Guides and manuals

Organization of first aid in the workplace. (OSH Series, No. 63.) Explains how first aid should be organized and provides information on the duties and training of first aid personnel, and the equipment and supplies needed. Geneva, 1989. 73 pp. ISBN 92-2-106440-9. SFR15.

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Asian subregional seminar on the organization of occupational health services, Manila, the Philippines, 2-5 May 1989: Proceedings. Geneva, 1989. 72 pp. ISBN 92-2-108232-6.

Séminaire tripartite sous-régional africain sur les services de santé au travail, Saoula, Algérie, 11-14 mars 1989: Rapport. Genève, 1989. 40 pp. ISBN 92-2-207254-5.

Seminario regional tripartito latinoamericano sobre la organización de los servicios de salud en el trabajo y sobre el registro y análisis de los accidentes y enfermedades del trabajo, México, DF, 23-27 de octubre de 1989: Nota sobre las labores. Ginebra, 1989. 89 págs. ISBN 92-2-307909-8.

Equality of opportunity and treatment between men and women in health and medical services. (Report II) ILO Standing Technical Committee for Health and Medical Services, 1st Session, Geneva, 1992. 73 pp. ISBN 92-2-108400-0. SFR15.; US$12.; £7.20.

Occupational health services. International Labour Conference, 70th Session, Geneva, 1984. Report V(1). 87 pp. Translation: French, Spanish, German, Russian, Arabic. ISBN 92-2-103444-5. SFR15.

Working papers, conference papers, briefing and information notes

Joint ILO/WHO committee on occupational health, 12th Session, Geneva, 5-7 April 1995: Report of the Committee. Geneva, 1995. 31 pp. Annexes.

Organisational patterns and institutional arrangements for occupational safety and health at the national level: A study of ten selected countries. Occupational Safety and Health Branch. Geneva, 1987. 50 pp. ISBN 92-2-106314-3.

Information note on Occupational Safety and Health Conventions, 1981, and Occupational Health Services, 1985, and their Recommendations, 1989.

See also related topics:

Occupational Hygiene and Diseases

Conventions and Recommendations

R.3: Anthrax Prevention, 1919
C.18: Occupational Diseases, 1925
C.42: Occupational Diseases (Rev.), 1934
C.120 and R.120: Hygiene (Commerce and Offices), 1964
C. 121 and R. 121: Benefits in the case of occupational diseases [ILO], 1964
C.139 and R.147: Occupational Cancer, 1974
C.162 and R.172: Asbestos, 1986

Codes of practice

Recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases. This code of practice aims to improve the recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases, especially with a view to developing preventive measures. Topics covered include legal and administrative arrangements, enterprise-level recording, the extension of provisions to the self-employed, the compilation of statistics and the investigation of occupational accidents and diseases. Equivalent recommendations are made for commuting accidents and dangerous occurrences and incidents. Geneva, 1996. 96 pp. ISBN 92-2-109451-0. SFR20. Translation: French, Spanish.

Safety in the use of asbestos. There has been a growing awareness that exposure to asbestos dust can have harmful effects on the health of workers. This code of practice gives detailed guidance on the limitation of exposure to asbestos and includes sections on mining and milling, asbestos cement, textiles, friction materials and the removal of asbestos-containing materials. Third impression, 1990. 116 pp. ISBN 92-2-103872-6. SFR20. Translation: French, Spanish.

Occupational exposure limits to airborne substances harmful to health. This code of practice is intended to protect workers' health against the hazards due to the contamination of air at the workplace and in preventing contamination of the working environment. A full glossary defines the terms used in the text. Third impression, 1991. 44 pp. ISBN 92-2-102442-3. SFR17.50. Translation: French, Spanish.

Guides and manuals

Occupational hygiene package. This training package is targeted at factory inspectors in developing countries and comprises: a tutor's guide, student notes, case studies and test questions. SFR30.

Occupational hygiene: An overview. (Training materials series, TM 3:1.) Focuses on general aspects of occupational hygiene relevant to workplace inspection and hazard control. Includes a list of occupational diseases. ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1992. 17 pp. ISBN 0-7974-1068-6.

Occupational hygiene: Dust. (Training materials series, TM 3:4.) ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1992. 23 pp.

Occupational hygiene: Illumination. (Training materials series, TM 3:3.) Includes a brief explanation of the physiology of vision and recommendations on lighting design. ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1992. 24 pp. ISBN 0-7974-1071-6.

Occupational hygiene: Noise. (Training materials series, TM 3:2.) African Regional Labour Administration Centre, Harare, Zimbabwe. 1992, 34 pp. ISBN 0-7974-1069-4.

Occupational hygiene: Thermal conditions. (Training materials series, TM 3:5.) ILO: ARLAC. Harare, Zimbabwe. 1992. 39 pp.

The cost of occupational accidents and diseases. (OSH Series, No. 54.) 1985. 140 pp. ISBN 92-2-103758-4. SFR17.50. Translation: French.

International classification of radiographs of pneumoconioses. (OSH Series, No. 22.) The book aims towards standardizing classification methods and facilitating international comparisons of pneumoconioses statistics and research reports. Additional material can be obtained which contains a set of standard films illustrating the guidelines is composed of 22 standard-size radiographs and a guide to the use of the classification is enclosed with each set. 1992. 48 pp. ISBN 92-2-102463-6. SFR7.50.; US$6.; £3.60. The set of 22 radiographs in a box and the users' guide: SFR650.; US$520.; £312.

Occupational cancer: Prevention and control. Second revised edition, 1988. 122 pp. ISBN 92-2-106454-9. SFR17.50. Translation: French.

Occupational lung diseases: Prevention and control. (OSH Series, No. 67.) Geneva, 1990. 85 pp. ISBN 92-2-106463-8. SFR.17.50. Translation: Thai.

Prevention of occupational cancer: International symposium. (OSH Series, No. 46.) "The volume can be unreservedly recommended, both as an update of existing knowledge and a source reference to individual items of interest which both the specialist and general reader may wish to pursue further." (British Health and Safety Society Reviews Bulletin, Birmingham, United Kingdom.) 1982. 658 pp. ISBN 92-2-002907-3. SFR.47.50.; US$38.; £22.80.

Occupational exposure limits for airborne toxic substances: Values of selected countries. Third edition. (OSH Series, No. 37). Covers more than 2,000 products or substances from 16 countries (also listed: synonyms, carcinogens, sensitizers and other effects). Geneva, 1991. 544 pp. ISBN 92-2-107293-2. Available only from CIS.

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Eighth international conference on occupational lung diseases, Prague, 1992; Proceedings. Prague, Czech Medical Society 1993, 3 V. Vol. I: Contents of volumes I-III, opening addresses, key notes, asbestos, man-made fibres; Vol. II: Pneumoconioses, silicosis, report from the WHO/ILO workshop; Vol. III: Miscellaneous respiratory exposures, working environment, experimental studies, closing session. 1993. Translation: French, Spanish, German.

Consultation on AIDS and the workplace. Geneva, 27-29 June 1988. Report. Geneva, 1988. 21 pp. Translation: French, Spanish.

Safety in the use of asbestos. International Labour Conference, 71st Session, Geneva, 1985. Report VI(1). 52 pp. (English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Arabic, Chinese.) ISBN 92-2-103732-0. SFR15.

Safety in the use of mineral and synthetic fibres. Report of the Meeting of Experts on Safety in the Use of Mineral and Synthetic Fibres, Geneva, 17-25 April, 1989. The fibres discussed are divided into 3 main classes: 1. man-made mineral fibres (MMMF); 2. natural mineral fibres (other than asbestos); 3. synthetic organic fibres. The characteristics, manufacturing methods, occupational and non-occupational exposure of each type are reviewed. Geneva, 1990. 94 pp. Bibl.ref. ISBN 92-2-106443-3. SFR15. Translation: French, Spanish.

Working papers, conference papers, briefing and information notes

Meeting of experts on safety in the use of mineral and synthetic fibres. Geneva, 1989. 48 pp. ISBN 92-2-106898-6. Translation: French, Spanish.

ILO meeting of experts on safety in the use of mineral and synthetic fibres, Working document. Geneva, 1989. 50 pp. ISBN 92-2-107140-5. Translation: French, Spanish.


CIS Medical Information Sheets: Series A/1-10 Aids Precautions.

Practical documents available on request from CIS. Complete set SFR10. Minimum order SFR20.

See also related topics:

Occupational Stress

Guides and manuals

Human stress, work and job satisfaction: A critical approach. Third impression 1987. 72 pp. ISBN 92-2-103042-3. SFR15. Translation: French.

Psychosocial factors at work. ILO/WHO Joint Committee. 1986. 81 pp. ISBN 92-2-105411-X. SFR15. Translation: French, Spanish.

Stress in industry: Causes, effects and prevention. 1984. 70 pp. ISBN 92-2-103539-5. SFR12.50. Translation: French.

Visual display units: Job content and stress in office work. By F. J. Dy. This book examines visual display units from the angle of work organization and working time, health, safety and ergonomic aspects, and occupational stress. 1985. Second impression. 1989. 138 pp. ISBN 92-2-105083-1. SFR17.50.; US$14.; £8.40.

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

World labour report 1993. Volume 2. One of the chapters focuses on stress at work and covers: diseases of stress; the costs of stress in terms of absenteeism, labour turnover, accidents, job burnout and compensation; stressful occupations e.g. manual workers, waiters, bus drivers, VDU operators, etc.; stress management; summaries of a series of case studies in stress reduction in various countries. Gives possibilities for constructive change. Geneva, 1993. 99 pp. 68 ref. ISBN : 92-2-108007-2. SFR22.50.

Effects of technological changes in the clothing industry. (Report II) ILO Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Clothing Industry, 4th Session. Discusses contribution of new machinery towards the problem of stress which prevails throughout the industry and recommends changing work organization to reduce this occupational disease. Geneva, 1995. 42 pp. ISBN 92-2-109485-5. SFR12.50. Translation: French, Spanish; extracts in Chinese, German and Russian.

Working papers, conference papers, briefing and information notes

Occupational stress and burn-out of teachers: A review by Tom Cox and Amanda Griffiths. ILO: Salaried Employees and Professional Workers Branch. Geneva, 1995. 43 pp. ISBN 92-2-109748-X.

Automation, work organization and occupational stress. Working paper submitted to a meeting organized by the ILO which cover policies and practices concerning automation and work organization and occupational stress both in market-economy countries and in countries with centrally planned economies. Second impression 1986. 188 pp. ISBN 92-2-103866-1. SFR22.50.; US$18.; £10.80. Translation: French

Stress in the 90's: A changing workforce in a changing workplace. ILO: Conditions of Work and Welfare Facilities Branch. Washington, 1992, Geneva, 1992.

Occupational stress: A preventive approach. Reviews studies undertaken on occupational stress in particular jobs, and discusses approaches to the prevention of stress. ILO: Conditions of Work and Welfare Facilities Branch. Geneva, 1992. 24 pp.

Stress at the workplace: An organizational response. Reviews studies under-taken on occupational stress in particular jobs, and discusses approaches to the prevention of stress. ILO: Conditions of Work and Welfare Facilities Branch. Stress and work, Bologna, 1992. Geneva, 1992. 23 pp.

Work-related stress in nursing: Controlling the risk to health. Working paper by Professor T. Cox, A. Griffiths, and Professor S. Cox. Geneva, 1996, 47 pp. ISBN 92-2-110365-X.

Bus drivers: Occupational stress and stress prevention. Working paper by Professor M.A.J. Kompier. Geneva, 1996, 39 pp. ISBN 92-2-110255-6.

Stress prevention in the off-shore oil and gas exploration and production industry. Working paper by Dr. V. Sutherland and Professor C. Cooper. Geneva, 1996, 38 pp. ISBN 92-2-11093-6.

Occupational stress and stress prevention in air traffic control. Working paper by Professor G. Costa. Geneva, 1996, 36 pp. ISBN 92-2-110070-7.

Stress prevention for blue-collar workers in assembly-line production. 1997. Working paper by Dr. S. Kvanström. Geneva, 1997, 32 pp. ISBN 92-2-110488-5.


Combating sexual harassment at work. Conditions of Work Digest. Vol. 11, No. 1, Geneva, 1992. 300 pp. ISBN 92-2-108257-1. SFR45.; US$36.; £19.80.

Preventing stress at work. Conditions of Work Digest. Vol. 11, No. 2, Geneva, 1992. 275 pp. ISBN 92-2-108265-2. SFR45.; US$36.; £19.80.

See also related topics:

Agriculture and Agrochemicals

Conventions and Recommendations

C.110 and R.110: Conditions of employment of plantation workers [ILO], 1958.
C.127 and R.128: Maximum Weight, lowering of the maximum permissible weight for women and young persons, 1967
C.129 and R.133: Labour Inspection (Agriculture), 1969
C.148 and R.156: Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration), 1977

Guides and manuals

Safety and health in the use of agrochemicals: A guide. This simple, non-technical guide places the emphasis on the safe handling and use of agrochemicals and gives practical safety measures that are easy to follow. Geneva, 1991. 66 pp. Illus. Bibl.ref. Annexes. ISBN 92-2-107281-9. SFR25. Translation: Spanish, Russian.

Guide to health and hygiene in agricultural work. 1979. 309 pp. ISBN 92-2-101974-8. SFR27.50.

Guide to safety in agriculture. New Delhi, India, 1985. 247 pp.

Occupational safety and health in plantations: Training manual designed to help plantation workers to get their basic right to health and safety, 1994. (English, Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, Bengali.) Available only from ILO New Delhi. Free publication (except for postage).

Occupational safety and health in plantations: A workbook for trade union courses. (Workers' education project: Workers' education assistance on occupational safety, health and environmental issues on workers' organizations in selected South Asian countries.) New Delhi, 1994, 108 pp. ISBN 92-2-109461-8.

Safe use of pesticides: Guidelines. Prepared after consultation with the FAO and the WHO, these guidelines cover both general principles and more detailed safety requirements in respect of the various techniques for the application of pesticides. The medical aspects of pesticides are also considered. Third impression, 1985. 42 pp. (OSH Series, No. 38) ISBN 92-2-101826-1. SFR12.50.; US$10.; £6.00.

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Occupational safety and health in plantations, with special reference to mechanization and the use of chemicals and to labour inspection. (Report III) ILO Committee on Work on Plantations, 8th Session, Geneva, 1982. ISBN 92-2-103103-9. SFR12.50. Translation: French, Spanish.

Effective labour inspections in the plantation sector. Proceedings of the seminar held in Kuala Lumpur, 22-24 September, 1986. Geneva, 1986. 116 pp.

Conditions of employment and work on plantations, including the provision of basic needs, with special reference to seasonal workers, women and young workers. (Report II) ILO Committee on Work on Plantations, 9th Session, Geneva, 1989. 30 pp. ISBN 92-2-106819-6. Translation: French.

Conclusions (No. 76) concerning occupational safety and health on plantations. ILO: Committee on Work on Plantations. Geneva, 1983. Vol. 66, Series A, No. 3. 175 pp.

Effective labour inspections in the plantation sector. Proceedings of the seminar held in Kuala Lumpur, 22-24 September, 1986. Geneva, 1986. 116 pp.

Working papers, conference papers, briefing and information notes

Case-studies on the impact of mechanization and the use of chemicals on safety and health in agriculture, Geneva, 1989, 257 pp. ISBN 92-2-107006-9.

Contract labour in plantations, construction and sawmilling in Malaysia: A survey report. (Working paper, No. 81.) ILO: Sectoral activities programme. Based on a survey of 44 contractors and 258 contract workers, carried out from October 1993 to March 1994 in the state of Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia. Includes comments on the application of labour standards and the ILO Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952, (No. 102). Geneva, 1995. 105 pp. ISBN 92-2-109714-5. Available only from the ILO Sectoral Activities Department.


Occupational safety and health in plantations. (Video in English, 25 minutes). Available only from ILO New Delhi. Free publication (except for postage).

See also related topics:


Conventions and Recommendations

R.4: Lead Poisoning (Women and Children), 1919
R.6: White Phosphorus, 1919
C.13: White Lead (Painting), 1921
C.136 and R.144: Benzene, 1971
C.148 and R.156: Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration), 1977
C.170 and R.177: Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work, 1990

Codes of practice

Safety in the use of chemicals at work. This code of practice provides guidance on the implementation of the Chemicals Convention, 1990 (No. 170), and Recommendation, 1990 (No. 177), for all those engaged in framing provisions. The practical recommendations of the code cover all the elements necessary to ensure an efficient flow of information from manufacturers or importers to users of chemicals. They will also enable employers to formulate measures to protect workers, the public and the environment. Geneva, 1993. 95 pp. ISBN 92-2-108006-4. SFR17.50. Translation: French, Spanish.

Occupational exposure limits to airborne substances harmful to health. This ILO code of practice is intended to protect workers' health against the hazards due to the contamination of air at the workplace and in preventing contamination of the working environment. A full glossary defines the terms used in the text. Third impression, 1991. 44 pp. ISBN 92-2-102442-3. SFR17.50. Translation: French, Spanish.

Guides and manuals

Safety and health in the use of chemicals at work: A training manual. Includes the texts of ILO Convention No. 170 and ILO Recommendation No. 177 and a system for classification, identification and labelling of chemicals. Geneva, 1993, 78 pp. ISBN 92-2-106470-0. SFR17.50.

Classification, identification and labelling of chemicals. (Report 3/92). This guide could be used as training material or at places of work when individual labels of hazardous substances are checked or prepared. The guide describes the labelling system used in the countries of European Communities as an example. 76 pp. Available only from CIS. SFR10. Minimum order SFR20.

Guidelines on inspection on chemical factories, especially major accident hazard installations. Geneva, 1992. 107 pp. Available only from CIS. SFR10. Minimum order SFR20.

Occupational exposure limits for airborne toxic substances: values of selected countries. Third Edition. (OSH Series, No. 37). Covers more than 2,000 products or substances from 16 countries (also listed: synonyms, carcinogens, sensitizers and other effects). Geneva, 1991. 544 pp. ISBN 92-2-107293-2. Available only from CIS.

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Labour inspection and chemical hazards: A spectral analysis of systems of labour inspection. (Document No. 22.) Based on questionnaire and interview surveys of labour inspectors in 58 countries, the document examines various techniques employed in checking and prevention. Seeks to demonstrate the most effective methods of intervention and the responses produced in terms of organization and of action programmes. Geneva, 1992. 245 pp. ISBN 92-2-107652-0. Translation: Spanish.

Asian and Pacific regional seminar on safety in the use of chemicals at work. Bangkok, 8-11 January 1991, Proceedings. Emphasizes the importance of ILO Convention No. 170 and ILO Recommendation No. 177. Geneva, 1991. 81 pp. ISBN 92-2-107868-X.

Joint meeting on conditions of employment and work of fire-fighting personnel. Report prepared by the ILO to serve as a basis for the discussions of the Joint Meeting held in Geneva, Switzerland, 9-17 May 1990. Aspects covered: legal status of fire-fighters, trade union rights, equality of opportunity, pay and conditions of employment, working times, occupational safety and health, pension rights. Geneva, 1990. 92 pp. ISBN 92-2-107262-2. SFR17.50.

The impact of new technology on safety and health protection in the chemical industries. (Report III) ILO Chemical Industries Committee, 10th Session, Geneva, 1988. 60 pp. ISBN 92-2-106566-9. SFR12.50.; US$10.; £6.00.

Recent developments in the chemical industries. (Report I) ILO Chemical Industries Committee, 11th Session. Reviews recent trends and developments in the chemical industries sector since the 10th Session of the Committee (1988). Summarizes information supplied by governments on the effect given to conclusions and resolutions adopted by the Committee at its previous sessions, and includes steps taken by ILO to meet the requests of previous meetings. Geneva, 1995. 86 pp. ISBN 92-2-109580-0. SFR17.50. Translation: French, Spanish.

Chemical safety and major hazards control; terminal report. ILO: Republic of Indonesia. Geneva, 1992. 60 pp. ISBN 92-2-108537-6.

Safety in the use of asbestos. International Labour Conference, 71st Session, Geneva, 1985. Report VI(1). 52 pp. (English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Arabic, Chinese.) ISBN 92-2-103732-0. SFR15.

Safety in the use of chemicals at work = La sécurité dans l'utilisation des substances chimiques au travail. International Labour Conference, 77th Session, Geneva, 1990. Report V(2B). Includes amendments based on replies received from member States. 38 pp. ISBN 92-2-007408-7. SFR7.50. Translation: Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, German and Russian.

Safety in the use of chemicals at work. International Labour Conference, 76th Session, Geneva, 1989. Report VI(1). 57 pp. ISBN 92-2-106665-7. SFR15. Translation: English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Arabic, Chinese.

Size of the task of harmonizing existing systems of classification and labelling for hazardous chemicals; Report. ILO consultation on harmonization of classification and labelling systems for hazardous chemicals, Geneva, 1991. Comprises a description of international, regional and national classification systems for hazardous chemicals. Includes the texts of the 1989 ILO Resolution, of ILO Convention No. 170 and of ILO Recommendation No. 177 concerning safety in the use of chemicals at work. Geneva, 1992.

Sri Lanka: Country policy paper on chemical safety and the prevention of major industrial accidents. National tripartite workshop on the support for the ratification and implementation of ILO standards on the working environment, Colombo, 1995. Geneva, 1995. 35 pp.

Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe workshop on safety in the manufacture and use of chemicals: Workshop on safety in the manufacture and use of chemicals, Budapest, 1991; proceedings. Geneva, 1991. 40 pp. ISBN 92-2-108141-9.

Workshop on safety in the manufacture and use of chemicals, Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, 23-25 October 1991; proceedings. Geneva, 1992. 39 pp. ISBN 92-2-108409-4.

Workshop on safety in the manufacture and use of chemicals, Wroclaw, 28-30 October 1991; proceedings. Includes the text of safety in the use of chemicals at work, Convention, 1990, No. 170. ISBN 92-2-108415-9.Geneva, 1992. 38 pp.

Working papers, conference papers, briefing and information notes

Responsible care and related voluntary initiatives to improve enterprise performance on health, safety and environment in the chemical industry. (Working paper.) ILO: Sectoral Activities Department, Industrial Activities Branch, ILO: Working Conditions and Environment Department, Occupational Safety and Health Branch. Geneva, 1997. 74 pp. ISBN 92-2-110593-8.

Safety in the use of mineral and synthetic fibres. Working document and report of the Meeting of Experts on Safety in the Use of Mineral and Synthetic Fibres, held in Geneva (Switzerland), 17-25 April 1989. The fibres discussed are divided into 3 main classes: 1. man-made mineral fibres (MMMF); 2. natural mineral fibres (other than asbestos); 3. synthetic organic fibres. The characteristics, manufacturing methods, occupational and non-occupational exposure of each type are reviewed. Geneva, 1990. 94 pp. Bibliographical references. ISBN 92-2-106443-3. SFR15. Translation: French, Spanish.


Chemical safety: training modules, Part I, by IPCS. Consists of eight independent modules covering different areas of managing chemical hazards. The units contain a text component and transparencies and slides, where appropriate. The text, also supplied as a WordPerfect 5.1 file on a diskette, is designed to be used as background material for sessions and discussions. The modules can be used independently or linked to other sources, depending on the needs. A proposal for a timetable for a five-day workshop is included to help the planning of training sessions. A shorter one-day training session can be compiled as in the second proposal for a timetable. 259 pp. Available only from CIS.

  • Paper version:
  • Master Set (with slides, transparencies and diskette)
  • Master set (described above) with:
    CIS Chemical Databases (4 databases on 2 diskettes)
    International Chemical Safety Cards (4 diskettes)
    (ICSC) Retrieval System

www version (Internet) at (Free publication on the Internet). Available also on the Chemical safety CD-ROM (see below).

Chemical safety: training modules, Part II, by IPCS. Modules included cover: corrosive materials, fibres, halogenated hydrocarbon solvents, polymers, metals, nickel and nickel compounds, major hazard chemicals and liquefied hydrocarbon gases. The units contain a text component and transparencies and slides, where appropriate. International Chemical Safety Cards are included in the training package. Text is also supplied as a WordPerfect 5.1 file on a diskette. The modules can be used independently or linked to other sources, depending on the needs. A proposal for a timetable for a five-day workshop is included to help the planning of training sessions. A shorter one-day training session can be compiled as in the second proposal for a timetable. 106 pp. Available only from CIS in January 1998, in Paper version only.

CIS Chemical Information Sheets. Whole collection, SFR25. Available only from CIS.

Chemical safety CD-ROM, International Programme on Chemical Safety (ILO/WHO/UNEP). Includes: International Chemical Safety Cards, CISDOC database references on chemical safety, Chemical Safety Training Modules, Risk Management of Toxic Substances Manual, African Newsletter articles, ILO Conventions and Recommendations, Codes of Practice, Demonstrations. ISBN 92-9016-005-5. US$99. Available from CIS.

See also related topics:

Construction & Civil Engineering

Conventions and Recommendations

R.54: Inspection (Building), 1937
R.55: Cooperation in Accident Prevention (Building), 1937
C.148 and R.156: Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration), 1977
C.167 and R.175: Safety and Health in Construction, 1988

Codes of practice

Safety and health in construction. This code of practice takes into account the changes in working practices and conditions which have arisen over the past few decades and new areas requiring protective measures in the industry. It aims to provide guidelines and practical recommendations and covers such areas as: the safety of workplaces; personal protective equipment and protective clothing; health hazards; and construction equipment and machinery. Geneva, 1992. 162 pp. ISBN 92-2-107104-9. SFR20. Translation: French, Spanish.

Safety and health in building and civil engineering work. Gives considerable thought to the differences that exist in building and civil engineering practices in both developed and developing countries, the need both to improve poor practices and to establish good practices where none exist today. The scope of the code is wide-ranging: 41 topics are examined. Third impression, 1985. 386 pp. ISBN 92-2-100974-2. SFR40.; US$32.; £19.20. Translation: French, Spanish.

Guides and manuals

Safety, health and welfare on construction sites: A training manual. If you are employed in construction - as a worker or a worker's representative, or as a supervisor - you will naturally be concerned that you and your colleagues should be safe and healthy. This clear, easy-to-read manual helps you to consider safety, health and welfare conditions on construction sites in your country and to learn about possible solutions to the problems you encounter. It covers all aspects of work on construction sites. 1995. 107 pp. ISBN 92-2-109182-1. SFR25.; US$20.; £12.

Civil engineering work: A compendium of occupational safety practice. 1981. 153 pp. ISBN 92-2-102577-2. SFR20.

Construction safety: excavations, scaffolding, falsework/formwork, roofwork and protection against falls, mobile and tower cranes, chains, slings and lifting gear. (Training materials series, TM 6:1.) African Regional Labour Administration Centre, Harare. Harare, 1993. 49 pp.

Training manual on safety, health and welfare on construction sites. Includes the text of the Convention concerning safety and health in construction (No. 167) and gives model guidelines for safety, health and welfare on construction sites. Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. Bangkok, 1990. 210 pp. ISBN 92-2-107640-7.

Reports (including reports of conference, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Recent developments in building, civil engineering and public works. (Report I) ILO Building, Civil Engineering and Public Works Committee, 12th Session. This report includes a chapter on health and safety and working conditions in the building, civil engineering and public works industries. Topics highlighted in the chapter: health and safety; profile of victims of accidents; costs associated with accidents in construction; causes of accidents; hours of work; productivity; quality and technology. Geneva, 1992. 109 pp. Illus. Annex. Bibl.ref. ISBN 92-2-108418-3. Translation: French.

The improvement of working conditions and the working environment in the construction industry. (Report II) ILO Building, Civil Engineering and Public Works Committee, 10th Session, Geneva, 1983. ISBN 92-2-103202-7. SFR15. Translation: French.

Regional workshop on the assessment of relevant policies and programmes in the construction industry, Phuket, 1991. Proceedings and country papers. Assesses the contribution of ILO/UNDP project RAS/86/072 to the reduction of accidents and improvement of welfare facilities in the construction industry in the participating countries. Geneva, 1991, 176 pp. ISBN 92-2-108032-3.

Safety and health in construction. International Labour Conference, 73rd Session, Geneva, 1987. Report V(1). 91 pp. ISBN 92-2-105576-0. SFR17.50. Translation: French, Spanish, German, Russian, Arabic, Chinese.

Tripartite technical workshop on occupational safety and health in construction for southern African countries, Arusha, 9-13 October 1989. proceedings. Tanzania. Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare. Geneva, 1990. 31 pp. ISBN 92-2-107729-2.

Working papers, conference papers, briefing and information notes

Construction industry in Brazil: Surviving the transition to a more competitive market.(Working paper, No. 52.) ILO: Sectoral Activities Department, Industrial Activities Branch. (ILO-SAP 2.29/WP.52.) Geneva, 1992. 46 pp. ISBN 92-2-108616-X. Available only from the ILO Industrial Activities Branch.

Contract labour in plantations, construction and sawmilling in Malaysia: A survey report. (ILO Sectoral Activities Programme, Working paper, No. 81.) Based on a survey of 44 contractors and 258 contract workers, carried out from October 1993 to March 1994 in the state of Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia. Includes comments on the application of labour standards and the ILO Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952, (No. 102). Geneva, 1995. 105 pp. ISBN 92-2-109714-5.

Labour inspection in the construction industry. 1989. 69 pp. ISBN 92-2-106590-1. Translation: French, Spanish.

Entrepreneurship and management development branch. Room for improvement: A study of women building workers in Bombay. (Construction information paper, No. 5.) (Construction management programme.) Based on interviews with 62 women workers carried out in 1990. Geneva, 1992. 63 pp. ISBN 92-2-108439-6.


Three every second. 1 Video cassette (VHS) (23 minutes): Col. (PAL). Shows the major hazards involved in construction work together with measures required to help prevent accidents during building operations. Details safety precautions in roofwork, scaffolds, lifting operations, excavation and transport. African Regional Labour Administration Centre, Harare. Harare, Production Centre, 1991.

See also related topics:

Food and Drink Industry

Conventions and Recommendations

C.127 and R.128: Maximum Weight, lowering of the maximum permissible weight for women and young persons, 1967

Working papers, conference papers, briefing and information notes

Safety and health of meat, poultry and fish processing workers. (Working paper.) ILO: Sectoral Activities Programme, Industrial Activities Branch. Geneva, 1997. 85 pp. ISBN 92-2-110480-X.

Occupational safety and health in the food and drink industries. (Working paper, No. 62.) ILO: Sectoral Activities Programme, Industrial Activities Branch. Geneva, 1993. 61 pp. ISBN 92-2-109066-3. Available only from the ILO Industrial Activities Branch.

General report - Food and drinks industries committee, Second session, Geneva, 1991. Working paper for the Second Session of its Food and Drink Industries Committee, this report analyses the experience of 45 countries concerning new hazards which have been identified following the introduction of new technologies in the food and drink industries. ISBN 92-2-107882-5. Translation: French, Spanish.

Working conditions in hotels, restaurants and similar establishments. This ILO document includes the proposed texts of a Convention and a Recommendation on working conditions in hotels, restaurants and similar establishments based on the conclusions adopted by the International Labour Conference following the first discussion at its 77th Session (1990). Geneva, 1990. 11 pp. ISBN 92-2-107522-2. SFR7.50. Also available in French.

See also related topics:

Forestry, Wood and Pulp & Paper Industries

Conventions and Recommendations

C.127 and R.128: Maximum Weight, lowering of the maximum permissible weight for women and young persons, 1967
C.148 and R.156: Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration), 1977

Codes of practice

Safety and health in forestry work. This code of practice provides a model safety code concerning the handling and maintenance of machine tools, materials handling equipment, electrical machinery, etc. and covers medical examinations, occupational diseases and accidents, occupational hygiene, the provision of meals, etc. Geneva, forthcoming in 1998. Translation: French, Spanish.

Guides and manuals

Improving working conditions and increasing profits in forestry. By K. Johansson and B. Strehlke. Presents cases which demonstrate that investments in a skilled and motivated workforce are indispensable for carrying out forest operations efficiently and profitably. Geneva, 1996. ISBN 92-2-109757-9. Free publication available only from the ILO Industrial Activities Branch.

Manual on acute forest damage. Provides practical advice for managers and workers in all phases of the work from planning and harvesting to marketing and rehabilitation after acute forest damage such as storms and fires. FAO/ECE/ILO Joint Committee on Forest Technology, Management and Training, 1996. Free publication available only from the ILO Industrial Activities Branch.

Manual on improved afforestation technology. Deals with afforestation activities as they occur in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) in Pakistan. It focuses on the establishment of chir pine plantations. Describes tools, work organization and methods designed to improve work quality, productivity and working conditions in watershed rehabilitation work in the NWFP. 1996. Free publication available only from the ILO Industrial Activities Branch.

Chainsaws in tropical forests. Explains technical aspects of the use of chain saws in tree felling, delimbing and cross-cutting. Outlines the minimization of wood waste, use of related forestry equipment, maintenance and spare parts. Richly illustrated. Prepared by FAO/ILO. FAO, 1980. Revised English edition forthcoming. ISBN 92-5-100932-5. Translation: French, Spanish (not revised editions). (Portuguese version can be ordered through Instituto dos Productos Florestais, rua Filipe Folque no. 10-J 1003 Lisboa Codex, Portugal; Swahili can be ordered through Forestry Training Programme.) Free publication available only from the ILO Industrial Activities Branch.

Fitting the job to the forest worker: An illustrated training manual on ergonomics. ILO: Industrial Activities Branch. Geneva, 1992. 128 pp. ISBN 92-2-107113-8. SFR17.50.

Guidelines on ergonomic study in forestry prepared for research workers in developing countries. Includes an ergonomics checklist and a sample accident report form. Geneva, 1989. 242 pp. ISBN 92-2-106957-5.

Wood harvesting with hand tools. Basic information on efficient and safe equipment and methods, making fullest use of wood raw materials. Covers axes, saws and other hand tools, tree felling and conversion and transport. Richly illustrated. Geneva, 1987. ISBN 92-2-106217-1. SFR15. Translation: French, Spanish.

Ergonomics applied to forestry. Publisher: FAO/ECE/ILO Joint Committee on Forest Working Techniques and Training of Forest Workers, 1983. Translation: German, Russian. Free publication available only from the ILO Industrial Activities Branch.

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Contract labour studies in construction, forestry, plantation and manufacturing. Edited by P. Egger and P. Poschen. Comparative study on use of contract labour and contracting industries in three industries. Case studies on forestry from France, Sweden and the United States and on the wood industries in Malaysia. Studies examine extent and nature of contracting legal frameworks, working conditions and constraints. Geneva, 1997. Translation: French, Spanish. Free publication available only from the ILO Industrial Activities Branch.

Safety and health in forestry are feasible. Proceedings of a seminar (Switzerland, 1996). Presents papers under six major themes: status and trends in occupational safety and health; new approaches to accident prevention; health problems and early retirement; safety and health problems of contractors; high risk operations; and the role of research to improve safety in forestry. FAO/ECE/ILO Joint Committee on Forest Technology, Management and Training, 1996. Free publication available only from the ILO Industrial Activities Branch.

Occupational safety and health in forest plantations. Proceedings of a workshop (Zimbabwe, 1996). Discusses crucial issues in occupational safety and health in timber harvesting and suggests solutions. Covers forest accident statistics, safety regulations/rules/guidelines/codes, and training for safe wood harvesting. Geneva, 1996. ISBN 92-2-110313-7. Free publication available only from the ILO Industrial Activities Branch.

Clothing and safety equipment in forestry. Proceedings of an international seminar (Finland, 1994). Reflects current and future development of clothing and personal protective equipment, and discusses ways and means to improve their use in daily forest operations. FAO/ECE/ILO Joint Committee on Forest Technology, Management and Training, 1994. ISBN 951-802-068-X. Free publication available only from the ILO Industrial Activities Branch.

Occupational safety and health in forestry. (Report III) ILO Forestry and Wood Industries Committee, 2nd Session, Geneva, 1991. 71 pp. ISBN 92-2-107604-0. SFR15. Translation: French, Spanish, German, Russian.

Nigerian national workshop on ergonomics and occupational safety and health in logging and sawmilling, Ibadan, 1990: Proceedings. ILO: Nigeria. Ministry of Employment, Labour and Productivity. Geneva, 1990. 93 pp. ISBN 92-2-107796-9. Available only from the ILO Industrial Activities Branch.

The employment of contractors in forest work. Proceedings of a Seminar (Loubières, 1988). National experience from 14 European countries. Describes trends in and evaluation of contract labour in forestry, legal aspects, training and occupational safety and health. FAO/ECE/ILO Joint Committee on Forest Working Techniques and Training of Forest Workers, 1989. Translation: French (L'emploi des sous-traitants dans les travaux forestiers). Free publication available only from the ILO Industrial Activities Branch.

Occupational safety and health problems in the timber industry. (Report II) 3rd Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Timber Industry. Geneva, 1981. 78 pp. Illus. ISBN 92-2-102765-1. SFR12.50. Translation: French.

Occupational health and rehabilitation of forest workers. ILO, 1986. Free publication available only from the ILO Industrial Activities Branch.

Joint committee seminar on the use of pesticides in forestry; proceedings of a Joint Committee held at Sparsholt College, United Kingdom, 10-14 September 1990. Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Committee on Forest Working Techniques and Training of Forest Workers. ILO: Management Development Branch. Edinburgh, 1991. 340 pp. Translation: French. Available only from the ILO Industrial Activities Branch.

Working papers, conference papers, briefing and information notes

Workers in remote areas: The petroleum, mining and forestry industries. (Working Paper) Geneva, 1997. 126 pp. Free publication available only from the ILO Occupational Safety and Health Branch.

Tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in the pulp and paper industry. ILO: Sectoral Activities Department. Geneva, 1992. 124 pp. ISBN 92-2-108417-5. SFR20. Translation: French, Spanish.

Operational efficiency and sustainability of tropical forest management. Proceedings of [the] Indonesia/ILO Workshop on Occupational Safety and Health and Working Conditions, Jakarta, 13-14 March 1991. This training workshop was jointly organized by the Ministries of Forestry and Manpower of Indonesia and the ILO with 32 participants. The eight papers presented discuss various aspects of safety and health in tropical forestry work. Geneva, 1991. 57 pp. Illus. ISBN 92-2-107958-9.

Contract labour in plantations, construction and sawmilling in Malaysia: A survey report. (Working paper, No. 81.) ILO: Sectoral Activities Department. Based on a survey of 44 contractors and 258 contract workers, carried out from October 1993 to March 1994 in the state of Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia. Includes comments on the application of labour standards and the ILO Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952, (No. 102). Geneva, 1995. 105 pp. ISBN 92-2-109714-5.

See also related topics:

Inland Transport: Roads & Waterways

Conventions and Recommendations

C.148 and R.156: Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration), 1977

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Occupational safety and health in road transport. (Report III) ILO Inland Transport Committee, 11th Session, Geneva, 1985. ISBN 92-2-103865-3. SFR12.50. Translation: French.

The working and social conditions of boatmen in domestic and international inland navigation, including legal protection and repatriation as well as occupational safety and health aspects connected with the application of new technologies. (Report II) ILO Inland Transport Committee, 11th Session, Geneva, 1985. ISBN 92-2-103864-5) SFR12.50. Translation: French.

Social and legal protection (including repatriation) of inland transport workers engaged in international transport during their temporary periods abroad. (Report II) ILO Inland Transport Committee, 12th Session. The report concentrates on workers engaged in international road transport, with a special focus on practices in Europe. Geneva, 1992. 16 pp. Bibl.ref. ISBN 92-2-108067-6. SFR10. Translation: French.

Working papers, conference papers, briefing and information notes

Recent developments in inland transport. (Report I) ILO Inland Transport Committee, 12 Session. Part 1 provides overview of recent events including: injury statistics by country, major types and causes of transport accidents. Part 2 discusses action taken in the light of resolutions adopted at previous sessions of the Committee, including: labour inspection for road transport; safety training for railwaymen; the impact of technological change on OSH in inland navigation. Geneva, 1992, 136 pp. ISBN 92-2-108066-8. SFR20. Translation: French.


Iron and Steel Industry

Conventions and Recommendations

C.148 and R.156: Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration), 1977

Codes of practice

Occupational safety and health in the iron and steel industry. Geneva, 1983. 342 pp. ISBN 92-2-103471-2. SFR22.50. Translation: French, Spanish.

Reports (including reports of conference, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Recent developments in the metal trades. (Report I) ILO Metal Trades Committee, 13th Session. Reviews some of the main recent trends and developments in the metal trades sector, effects of new forms of production organization on working conditions, and safety and health effects of advanced technology. Geneva, 1993. 161 pp. Illus. Bibl.ref. ISBN 92-2-108962-2. SFR25. Translation: French.

Training in the iron and steel industry. (Report II) ILO Iron and Steel Committee, 12th Session. This report focuses on the differences in levels of economic and technological development in the iron and steel industry and their implications for training and educational problems and policies. Geneva, 1992. 32 pp. ISBN 92-2-108126-5. SFR12.50. Translation: French.

The improvement of working conditions and working environment in the iron and steel industry. (Report III) ILO Iron and Steel Committee, 10th Session, Geneva, 1981. ISBN 92-2-102688-4. SFR15. Translation: French.

Recent developments in the iron and steel industry. (Report I) ILO Iron and Steel Committee, 12th Session, Geneva, 1992. 106 pp. ISBN 92-2-108125-7. SFR17.50.

Training in the iron and steel industry. (Report II) ILO Iron and Steel Committee, 12th Session, Geneva, 1992. 32 pp. ISBN 92-2-108126-5. SFR12.50.

Productivity improvement and its effects on the level of employment and working conditions in the iron and steel industry. (Report III) ILO Iron and Steel Committee, 11th Session. Geneva, 1986. 66 pp. ISBN 92-2-105498-5. SFR12.50. Translation: French.


Conventions and Recommendations

C.27: Marking of Weight on Heavy Packages Transported by Vessels,1929
C.92: Crew Accommodation on Board Ship, (Rev.), 1949
R.108: Social Conditions and Safety of Seafarers, 1958
C.133: Crew Accommodation on Board Ship (Supplementary Provisions), 1970
R.139: Employment of Seafarers (Technical Developments), 1970
R.140: Crew Accommodation (Air Conditioning), 1970
R.141: Crew Accommodation (Noise Control), 1970
C.134 and R.142: Prevention of Occupational Accidents to Seafarers, 1970
C.137 and R.145: Social Repercussions of New Methods of Cargo Handling in Docks, 1973
C.147: Minimum Standards in Merchant Ships, 1976
Protocol to Convention No. 147, 1996
R.155: Improvement of Standards in Merchant Ships, 1976
C.152 and R.160: Occupational Safety and Health in Dock Work, 1979
C.164: Health Protection and Medical Care for Seafarers, 1987

Codes of Practice

Accident Prevention on Board Ship at Sea and in Port. 2nd edition. Geneva, 1996, 196 pp. ISBN 92-2-109450-2. Translation: French, Spanish.

Maritime labour conventions and recommendations. Fourth (revised) edition. Contains the substantive provisions of more than 50 Conventions and Recommendations dealing with the conditions of employment of seafarers, portworkers, fishermen and inland boatworkers adopted by the International Labour Conference over a more than 75-year period, as well as the provisions of instruments applicable to all workers, referred to in Convention No. 147. 1997. Translation: French, Spanish.

Safety and health in shipbuilding and ship repairing. Third impression, 1984. 260 pp. ISBN 92-2-101199-2. SFR27.50. Available only in French and Spanish.

Guides and manuals

Drug and alcohol prevention programmes in the maritime industry - A manual for planners. This manual has been produced to assist shipowners, ship managers and others to enhance the safety of shipping operations and the health of seafarers by preventing and reducing drug and alcohol problems on board ship. May 1996. ISBN: 92-2-110260-2.

Inspection of labour conditions on board ship: Guidelines for procedure. Geneva, 1990. 76 pp. ISBN 92-2-107096-4. SFR17.50. Available only in French and Spanish.

Guide to safety and health in dock work. Provides practical guidance indispensable to managers and to dockers themselves, as well as to public authorities. It also covers the use of pallets and containers and the special precautions to be taken in connection with nuclear-powered ships. Second impression (with modifications), 1988. 287 pp. ISBN 92-2-101081-3. SFR32.50.; US$28.; £15.60.

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

ILO: Meeting of experts on accident prevention on board ship at sea and in port, September-October 1993. Geneva, 1994. 123 pp. ISBN 92-2-108996-7. Available also in Spanish.

Drugs and alcohol in the maritime industry. Report of the ILO inter-regional Meeting of Experts, Geneva, 29 September - 20 October 1992, This report contains a synthesis of the discussions of the meeting, reports of three working groups, full texts of discussion papers on (a) ILO working paper on drug and alcohol problems in the maritime industry, (b) ILO working paper on drug and alcohol screening issues in the maritime industry, and (c) ILO Working Paper on A proposed action plan to address drug and alcohol problems in the maritime industry, as well as notes submitted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) on its activities relevant to drug use and alcohol abuse, International Shipping Federation Paper on Drugs and Alcohol in the Shipping Industry, International Transport Workers Federation Policy on Drugs and Alcohol, texts of country papers prepared by government participants from Brazil, Egypt, India, Norway, the Philippines. Geneva, 1992. ISBN 92-2-108725-5.

Conditions of work and life of seafarers. Report of the Director-General (1), 74th (Maritime) Session, 1987. (English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Arabic, Chinese.). 25-64 pp. ISBN 92-2-105787-9. SFR17.50.

Education of seafarers in the dangers to both their health and professional careers arising from abuse of drugs and alcohol. Joint ILO/WHO Committee on the Health of Seafarers Seventh Session, Geneva, 1993. Comprises preliminary guidelines on drug testing or screening in the maritime industry. Geneva, 1993. 16 pp. ISBN 92-2-108786-7.

The working and social conditions of boatmen in domestic and international inland navigation, including legal protection and repatriation as well as occupational safety and health aspects connected with the application of new technologies. (Report II) ILO Inland Transport Committee, 11th Session, Geneva, 1985. ISBN 92-2-103864-5. SFR12.50. Translation: French.

Working papers, conference papers, briefing and information notes

Occupational accidents among seafarers resulting in personal injuries, damage to their general health and fatalities. Joint ILO/WHO Committee on the Health of Seafarers, Seventh Session, Geneva, 1993. (Working paper, No. 1.) Includes a review of the provision of ILO Conventions Nos. 134 and 164 concerning accident prevention, health protection and medical assistance for seafarers. Geneva, 1993. 28 pp. ISBN 92-2-108784-0.

See also related topics:

Mining Industry

Conventions and Recommendations

C.124: Medical examination of young persons for fitness for employment underground in mines, 1965
R.125: Conditions of employment of young persons underground in mines, 1965
C.127 and R.128: Maximum Weight, lowering of the maximum permissible weight for women and young persons, 1967
C.148 and R.156: Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration), 1977
C.176 and R.183: Safety and Health in Mines, 1995

Codes of practice

Safety and health in opencast mines. Geneva, 1991. 121 pp. ISBN 92-2-107 103-0. SFR20. Translation: Spanish, French, Chinese.

Safety and health in coal mines. This code of practice contains provisions on general safety and health measures, specific measures for work underground, road and shaft driving, coalgetting, transport and so on, and procedures for the control of dust, fire and other hazards. 1986. 176 pp. ISBN 92-2-105339-3. SFR20. Translation: French, Spanish.

Guides and manuals

Mine fires and explosions and coal dust and explosions. ILO: Bureau for Workers' Activities. Workers' Education Assistance on Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Issues to Workers' Organizations in Selected South Asian Countries. Geneva, 1994. 39 pp.

Coal mineworkers' charter: (Collection of conclusions and resolutions). Geneva, 1990. ISBN 92-2-107219-3. Available only from the ILO Industrial Activities Branch.

Mines safety checklist. An aid in inspecting all potential hazards in mines. Helps organizing inspections and makes inspection easier. ISBN 92-2-109465-0. Available from ILO New Delhi. Free publication (except for postage).

Mining organizing for safety: A workbook for trade union courses. (Occupational safety and health: Mining.) Provides guidance on safety organization and the formulation of safety policies. Highlights the role of safety committees, labour inspection and trade unions. ILO New Delhi, 1994. 97 pp. ISBN 92-2-109467-7.

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Conclusions and resolutions adopted. ILO Coal Mines Committee (1945-95): Tripartite Technical Meetings for Mines other than Coal Mines (1957-90), Geneva, 1997. ISBN 92-2-110511-3. Free publication. Available in English only.

Employment and training with reference to safety and health at coal mines. (Report II) ILO Coal Mines Committee, 11th Session, Geneva, 1982. 75 pp. ISBN 92-2-102869-0. SFR12.50.; US$10.; £6.00.

Fifth international report on the prevention and suppression of dust in mining, tunnelling and quarrying 1977. (OSH Series, No. 40.) Second impression, 1980. 106 pp. ISBN 92-2-101899-7. SFR15. Translation: French.

Sixth international report on the prevention and suppression of dust in mining, tunnelling and quarrying (1973-1977). (OSH Series , No. 48.) These international reports, drawn up by the ILO on the basis of information provided by governments, summarize the latest advances in dust control and draw attention to problems still to be solved. 1982. 152 pp. ISBN 92-2-103006-7. SFR17.50.; US$14.; £8.40.

Occupational health services and social services, including housing, in the coalmining industry. (Report III) ILO Coal Mines Committee, 12th Session, Geneva, 1988. ISBN 92-2-106276-7. SFR12.50. Translation: French, Spanish.

Recent developments in the coalmining industry. (Report I) ILO Coal Mines Committee, 13th Session. Reviews developments in the coal industry between 1988 and 1994. Includes reports on actions taken in various countries in light of the conclusions and resolutions adopted by the Committee at its previous session, as well as action taken by the ILO. Geneva, 1994. 108 pp. ISBN 92-2-109330-1. SFR17.50. Translation: Spanish, French, Polish.

Report on the ILO Asian-Pacific symposium on standards-related topics, Bangkok, Thailand, 29 March-1 April 1994. Presents reports from 23 member States which outline their compliance with ILO reporting obligations, and existing machinery for consultation with employers and workers, and indicates those ILO Conventions which have good prospects of ratification. Includes a briefing paper on safety and health in mines. Outlines the standard-setting activities of the ILO. Bangkok, 1995. 102 pp. ISBN 92-2-109642-4.

Safety and health in mines. International Labour Conference, 81st Session, Geneva, 1994. Report V(2). Based on the replies of 77 governments to a questionnaire communicated to the member States of the ILO. Considers laws and practices in mines in various countries and proposes conclusions with a view to adoption of an ILO Convention. 69 pp. ISBN 92-2-108953-3. SFR12.50. Translation: French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, German and Russian.

Safety and health in mines. International Labour Conference, 81st Session, Geneva, 1994. Report V(1). Reviews major hazards in mines, considers the law and practice of member States in respect of accidents and includes the questionnaire they are requested to answer in order to define the international instruments concerning safety and health in mines. 67 pp. ISBN 92-2-108952-5. SFR12.50. Translation: French, Spanish.

Workers' health in mines other than coal mines, with special reference to the effects of the working environment and technological changes. (Report III) ILO Tripartite Technical Meeting on Mines other than Coal Mines, 4th Meeting, Geneva, 1984. ISBN 92-2-103458-5. SFR15. Translation: French.

Working papers, conference papers, briefing and information notes

Mining and the environment. Background paper highlighting the environmental impacts of mining activity. Useful for trade unionists who want to participate in the debate on mining and the environment. English. Available from ILO New Delhi. Free publication (except for postage).

Participation in South African mining safety: A postal survey of black migrant workers' organizations and management. Geneva, 1989. 93 pp. ISBN 92-2-107187-1.


Compendium: Mines safety. Selected documents useful for union members dealing with organization and policies for safety. Part 2 in the compendium gives various technical papers on occupational health. ISBN 92-2-109466-9. English. Available from ILO New Delhi. Free publication (except for postage).

See also related topics:

Petroleum Industry and Installations

Conventions and Recommendations

R.4: Lead Poisoning (Women and Children), 1919
R.6: White Phosphorus, 1919
C.13: White Lead (Painting), 1921
R. 31: Prevention of Industrial Accidents, 1929
C.136 and R.144: Benzene, 1971
C.148 and R.156: Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration), 1977
C.170 and R.177: Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work, 1990
C.174 and R.181: Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents, 1993

Codes of practice

Safety and health in the construction of fixed offshore installations in the petroleum industry. Because of the growing complexity of fixed offshore installations and the often harsh environment and adverse weather conditions, the workers engaged in the erection of these gigantic structures are often exposed to a wide variety of hazards. This code provides detailed recommendations on the standards of safety and health to be observed during the construction of the installations. 1982. 135 pp. ISBN 92-2-102900-X. SFR20.; US$16.; £9.60. Translation: French, Spanish.

Guides and manuals

Labour inspection skills in the petroleum industry. ILO: Asian and Pacific Project for Labour Administration. (Labour administration training material, 11.) Bangkok, 1991. 155 pp. ISBN 92-2-108142-7. SFR20.

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Occupational safety and health and the working environment in the petroleum industry. (Report II) ILO Petroleum Committee, 10th Session, Geneva, 1986. ISBN 92-2-105276-1. SFR10. Translation: French, Spanish. Available only from the ILO Sectoral Activities Department.

Report of tripartite meeting on safety and related issues pertaining to work on offshore petroleum installations, Geneva, 20-28 April 1993. Final Report. ILO Sectoral Activities Department. Geneva, 1993. 48 pp. ISBN 92-2-108965-7 (TMOPI/1993/9). SFR15. Translation: Spanish, French.

Working conditions and working environment in the petroleum industry, including offshore activities. (Report III) ILO Petroleum Committee, 9th Session, Geneva, 1980. ISBN 92-2-102217-X. SFR17.50. Translation: French, Spanish. Available only from the ILO Sectoral Activities Department.

Safety and related issues pertaining to work on offshore petroleum installations. ILO Tripartite meeting on safety and related issues pertaining to work on offshore petroleum installations, Geneva, 1993. 91 pp. ISBN 92-2-108656-9 (TMOPI/1993). SFR17.50. Translation: French, Spanish.

Working papers, conference papers, briefing and information notes

Workers in remote areas: The petroleum, mining and forestry industries. Geneva, 1997. 126 pp.

Stress prevention in the off-shore oil and gas exploration and production industry. Working paper by Dr. V. Sutherland and Professor C. Cooper. Geneva, 1996, 38 pp. ISBN 92-2-11093-6.

See also related topics:

Printing Industry

Conventions and Recommendations

C.148 and R.156: Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration), 1977

Guides and manuals

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Conditions of work in the printing and allied trades. (Report III) Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Printing and Allied Trades, 3rd Meeting, Geneva, 1990. 42 pp. ISBN 92-2-107442-0. SFR15. Translation: French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, German and Russian.

General report. Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Printing and Allied Trades, 3rd Meeting, Geneva, 1990. 78 pp. ISBN 92-2-107440-4. SFR17.50. Translation: French, Spanish.

Note on the proceedings. Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Printing and Allied Trades, 3rd Meeting, Geneva, 1990. 111 pp. ISBN 92-2-107823-X. SFR20. Translation: French, Spanish.

See also related topics:

Textile Industry
including Leather and Footwear

Conventions and Recommendations

C.127 and R.128: Maximum Weight, lowering of the maximum permissible weight for women and young persons, 1967
C.148 and R.156: Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration), 1977

Guides and manuals

Improving working conditions and productivity in the garment industry. Geneva, forthcoming in 1998.

Textiles occupational safety and health: A workbook for trade union courses. (Workers' Education Project; Workers' Education Assistance on Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Issues on Workers' Organizations in Selected South Asian Countries.) Highlights the role of trade union members in the identification of safety and health hazards and in organizing for safety and health in the textile industry. New Delhi, 1994. 117 pp. ISBN 92-2-109463-4. Available only from ILO New Delhi. Free publication (except for postage).

Factories checklist pack. Presents a series of checklists for the identification and control of safety and health hazards in the textile industry. New Delhi, 1994. 39 pp. ISBN 92-2-109565-7. Available from ILO New Delhi. Free publication (except for postage).

Labour inspection skills in the textile industry: training material. The present publication comprises material used in a Regional Training Course organized by ILO/ARPLA in Bombay, India, 3-21 April, 1989. Some topics covered: role of labour inspection in improving working conditions in the textile industry; textile machinery hazards and their control; safety in textile processing; fire prevention and control; ventilation and noise measurement in the textile industry; occupational health problems and medical surveillance. Geneva, 1990. 288 pp. Illus. Annexes. ISBN 92-2-107605-9. US$12.

Reports (including reports of conferences, industrial meetings and meetings of experts)

Effects of technological changes in the clothing industry. (Report II) ILO Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Clothing Industry, 4th Meeting. Reference is made to the contribution that new machinery has made towards improving accident prevention and enhancing the working environment. Particular attention is paid to the problem of stress linked primarily to assembly line production and output pay systems which prevail throughout the industry. Geneva, 1994. 42 pp. ISBN 92-2-109485-5 (TTM/CLO/4/1995). SFR12.50. Translation: French, Spanish; extracts in Chinese, German and Russian.

Recent developments in the leather and footwear industry. (Report I) ILO Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Leather and Footwear Industry, 4th Meeting. Contents of Report I: Recent developments in the industry and section on working conditions and training. Geneva, 1991. 101 pp. ISBN 92-2-108068-4 (TTM/LFI/4/1992). SFR17.50. Translation: French.

Employment and working conditions and competitiveness in the leather and footwear industry. (Report II) ILO Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Leather and Footwear Industry, 4th Meeting. Covers general trends in production and trade; factors affecting international competitiveness; employment trends; conditions of work. Includes a section on workers' health and safety, looks at risk assessment and monitoring, process organization, mechanical and chemical hazards and accidents. Geneva, 1991. 205 pp. ISBN 92-2-108069-2 (TTM/LFI). SFR30. Translation: French.

National seminar on labour inspection in the jute industry, Chittagong, 1989. Report. Ministry of Labour and Manpower. Bangkok, 1989. 34 pp.

Occupational safety and health in the textile industry (Report III) ILO Textiles Committee, 11th Session, Geneva, 1984. ISBN 92-2-103753-3. SFR12.50. Translation: French. Available only from the ILO Sectoral Activities Department.

Working papers, conference papers, briefing and information notes

Working conditions in the textiles industry in the light of technological changes. (Report II) ILO Textiles Committee, 12th Session. This report examines the main technological innovations in the textile industry and their effects both on productivity and the level and structure of employment and on work organization. Geneva, 1991. 43 pp. Bibl.ref. ISBN 92-2-107807-8. SFR12.50. Translation: French, Spanish.

Safety and health problems in small and medium-scale textile enterprises in five developing countries: A synthesis report. 1990. (Working paper, No. 36.) ILO: Sectoral Activities Programme, Geneva, 1991. 52 pp. ISBN 92-2-107714-4.


Occupational safety and health in textiles. Video - (25 minutes) English. Available from ILO New Delhi. Free publication (except for postage).

See also related topics:

used in this Catalogue

ARLAC African Regional Labour Administration Center
ARPLA Asian and Pacific Regional Center for Labour Administration
CIS International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre
EAMAT East African Multidisciplinary Team
EC European Commission
ECE UN Economic Commission for Europe (Geneva)
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency (Vienna)
ILC International Labour Conference
ILO International Labour Office
OATUU Organization of African Trade Unions Unity
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OSH Occupational Safety and Health
OSH Series ILO Occupational Safety and Health Series
PAHO Pan American Health Organization
ROAP Regional Office for Asia and Pacific
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
WHO World Health Organization


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