Labour Organization
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Fifty-fifth Session on 14 October 1970, and
Noting that the Accommodation of Crews Convention (Revised), 1949, lays down minimum standards for the accommodation of crews on board ship, and
Considering that in the light of the rapidly changing characteristics of both the construction and the operation of modern ships further improvements in crew accommodation can be provided, and
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to crew accommodation, which is the second item on the agenda of the session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of a Recommendation,
adopts this thirtieth day of October of the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy, the following Recommendation, which may be cited as the Crew Accommodation (Noise Control) Recommendation, 1970:
1. (1) The competent authority in each maritime country, in conjunction with the competent international bodies and with representatives of shipowners' and seafarers' organisations, should review research into the problem of noise on board ships with the object of obtaining and pooling data on the basis of which authoritative criteria and standards can be established at an early date, so that national provisions can be drawn up to protect seafarers, so far as necessary, from the ill effects of noise.
(2) Such research should cover
(a) the effect of exposure to excessive noise on the hearing, health and comfort of seafarers;
(b) the measures which should be prescribed to reduce shipboard noise and/or to protect the hearing of seafarers.
2. The competent authority in each country should, in the light of that research, establish provisions for the reduction of, and protection of seafarers from, excessive and harmful noise on board ship as soon as this becomes reasonably possible.
3. As appropriate in the light of the research, the measures to be considered might include the following:
(a) instruction of seafarers in the dangers to hearing and health of prolonged exposure to high noise levels and in the proper use of noise protection devices and equipment;
(b) provision of ear plugs and/or ear muffs, approved by the competent authority, to seafarers in the engine room where necessary;
(c) the reduction of noise in sleeping rooms, mess rooms, recreation rooms and other crew accommodation by--
(i) the locating of such spaces as far as practicable from the engines, steering gear rooms, deck winches, ventilation, heating and air-conditioning equipment and other noisy machinery and apparatus;
(ii) the use of acoustic insulation and other appropriate sound-absorbing materials in the construction and finishing of bulkheads, overheads and decks within the sound-producing spaces, and self-closing noise-isolating doors for machinery spaces;
(d) the reduction and control of noise levels in engine rooms and other machinery spaces by--
(i) provision, wherever practicable, of sound-proof centralised machinery control rooms for engine-room personnel;
(ii) insulation, as far as practicable, of working spaces such as the machine shop from the general engine-room noise;
(iii) measures to reduce noise in the operation of machinery.