Boiling point,
melting point and vapour pressure are depending on isomeric composition. Depending on the
degree of exposure, periodic medical examination is indicated. The symptoms of convulsions
do not become manifest until O,5 to several hours. Carrier solvents used in commercial
formulations may change physical and toxicological properties. Do NOT take working clothes
home. Benzex, FBHC, Kotol, Submar, Hilbeech, Hexafor, Hexablanc, Hexamul, Hexapoudre,
Gyben, Hexdow, Isaton, Trives T, Agrocide, Ambrocide, Benesan, Benexane, Borer-Tox,
Gamosan are trade names. Also consult ICSC # 0053, 0795, 0796, 0797.
Transport Emergency Card: TEC (R)-61G53b