solvents used in commercial formulations may change physical and toxicological properties.
Do NOT take working clothes home. Aacaptan, Agrosol S, Amercide, Bangton, Bean seed
protectant, Captaf, Captan 50W, Potato seed piece Protectant, Captex, Esso Fungicide 406,
Flit 406, Fungus Ban type II, Glyodex 37-22, Granox PFM, Gustafson Captan 30-DD, Hexacap,
Osocide, Isotox Seed Transfer D and F, Kaptan, Malipur, Merpan, MicroCheck 12, Neracid,
Orthocide, SR 406, Stauffer Captan, Vancide P-75, 89 & 89RE, Vanguard K, Vangard K,
Vanicide, Vondcaptan are trade names.