Table 6.—Sources of Change in Gross Product for Nonbank U.S. Parents, 1996-97

Line Millions of dollars
11996 level1,480,638
2Total change89,852
3New parents/1/22,253
4Changes in operations/2/53,442
5Parents departing the universe/3/-4,905
6Other changes/4/19,062
71997 level1,570,490

1. Parents that established or acquired their first foreign affiliate in 1997.

2. Consists of changes in existing operations and changes resulting from parents acquiring, establishing, selling, or liquidating parts of their consolidated operations. BEA generally requires survey respondents to fully consolidate their parent operations.

3. Parents that sold or liquidated their last foreign affiliate in 1997.

4. Equals the change in the gross product of parents not accounted for in lines 3-5. It includes changes resulting from the addition to the survey universe of parents that were required to report in earlier years but did not.