Box: Data Availability

This article presents a summary of the preliminary estimates of the worldwide operations of U.S. multinational companies (MNC's) from the 1997 Annual Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad and the final estimates from the 1996 Annual Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad. More detailed estimates, including the gross product estimates, will be available later this year on BEA's Web site, on diskettes, and in printed publications; availability will be announced on the inside back cover of the SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS.

The most recent benchmark survey results, for 1994, are available on BEA's Web site, on diskette, and in the publication U.S. Direct Investment Abroad: 1994 Benchmark Survey, Final Results.

Detailed estimates of U.S.-MNC operations for 1983–93 and 1995 and preliminary estimates for 1996 are available on BEA's Web site (go to <>, and click on Catalog of Products) and on diskettes.

For information on the diskette products, see the Catalog of Products, or call 1–800–704–0415 (outside the United States, call 202–606–9666) for a copy of the catalog.

For information on publications, see the Product Guide of the International Investment Division on the Web site, or write to the International Investment Division, BE–50, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Washington, DC 20230. Among the recent publications is a collection of BEA studies on international direct investment; see the inside back cover of the SURVEY.